( http://vegetarianfamily.blogspot.com/ )
is so awesome!
She and her fabulous husband met me 'n' Mat at SIPZ for dinner (delish!) and then we went down to the Pacific, not far from where she once lived. Art snapped this photo, capturing our emotions perfectly.
I can't say enough about the time we shared. Memorable! Wonderful! Non-stop talking and sharing! Laughter! I am so thankful they took time out to spend time with me. It's so cool. They are so cool. For two peeps i had never met in person before, i can't believe how fortunate i am that my path crossed theirs in this crazy mixed-up ol' world!
I had the longest day working and dealing with Heidi's (who is on the road to recovery, thanks to all of your positive thoughts) health, but I would do it all again for the opportunity to hang out with such a fantastic couple.
More soon!
The caption for your photo could be 'Happiness' so nice.
Glad to hear that Heidi is doing better, fingers-crossed for continued recovery.
Hugs, G
That's great! I'm a little jealous
Reconnecting with friends is always nice. You're so lucky to be so close to the beach.
Glad the pocchie is better.
Such a great photo! You gals are glowing with laughter. It's great to get all caught up with good friends, isn't it?
And thanks so much for asking about my appointment - it went fine!
Still thinking of Heidi.
Looks like the Strand up around Oceanside! If so, nice beach!
Wow, you and Vicki. So neat!
And thanks for sharing this photo of 2 beautiful, compassionate women!
I'm so glad that Heidi is doing better....
and it's wonderful that the two of you got to spend time together...
I am so glad that Heidi is doing better. I am also happy for you to have made such a great friend. It is always great to spend time with wonderful people, with whom we have things in common. Good for you.
ohmygoodness!!! can i be jealous AGAIN?
that is so wonderful to meet and have such a great time...that's really great.
and i'm super happy about Heidi!!!
This is great. Like Teddy, I'm a little jealous too. It's amazing the people we meet while blogging and I am grateful to have the opportunity to share via the web, but for you all meeting in person is so great. That photo does capture true happiness!
oop! that's such a cute photo!
Beautiful picture!! Seems like a great time was had by all!!
Fantastic! I truly hope you had the BEST fun!
Hi, just found you on the web after your lovely comment, and I AM! Going for it, that is. WOO!
How cool that your two got to meet and had a great time, like old friends!
I am so happy to hear that Heidi is recovering!!! Mattie is so cute and little!!! You really get a perspective of him and his size when he is sitting in front of the two of you. This is a great picture. You look so healthy!
How super cool!!! I can't believe you got to meet - that is SO cool!
(we all need to meet up at a veggie food fair somewhere...!)
So glad to hear Heidi is doing well. Love the picture. You two are beautiful. Such true happiness. What a great community I have recently discovered. Thanks for welcoming me with open arms. Hugs to you Kleo!!
I was wondering how Vicki's visit went. That's awesome that you two got on so well. The picture is really great!
I'm glad Heidi is doing better. I always feel for them when they're ill. You can see it in their face, but they can't tell you what's wrong. Good news all around in this post.
Awesome that you met Vicki, I am glad you posted that. I was hoping to see how her vacation was going. I am also happy to hear your friend is healing. I send extra hugs from a far.
O! I AM soooo Jjjjjalous!!! I HOPE to meet Vicki some day too! love and prayers to Heidi!!! Glad you two got to meet, it's such FUN to meet an online friend, I've only did it once!
amazing how much more light there was in this photo by just turning the other direction...good idea, art. we had so much fun eating & talking! we'll buzz you next time we're in the area & try karinya thai!!!
ps ~ how's heide doing?
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