-Antoine de Saint-Exupery
I like that quote! It's true about us veg*n folks, too...
I appreciate (& love) that we are on the same proverbial page.
It's something worth contemplating - and also validating!
P.S. Heidi & Mattie think you're all pretty swell.
The ol' "free-range" misnomer...

No matter the language, we "get it"...

Nothing "alternative" about it, the way i see it!

My dad, looking thoughtful. He's a great guy who
does some pretty special things. If you have time,
check this link out about "The Bookman." My dad is
"Lenny the Elf" who helps out. http://www.thebookman.org/

The main reason why i *heart* St. Louis Cardinals
manager and all-around good guy Tony LaRussa:
I LOVE that Saint-Exupery quote.
And what a great photo of your dad. He looks very wise and serene.
The Bookman is such a cool charity! That's so neat that your dad helps out!
I love the pics of the dogs! So cute!
What a great Dad you have, and I agree with your comment, about what was alternative now becoming mainstream. In my suburb there is a new `organic market' in a local school each Sunday. I think the whole neighbourhood seems to be stocking up there now, so not long before the local supermarkets are `alternative', best wishes, The Artist
Great quote and once again an adorable pic of the dogs :) That is a terrific project that your dad is involved in. I love to read and think it's fabulous that they give away so many books to those in need.
i love that quote...hadn'd heard it before. and that photo of your dad is great.
Love the photos, your dad looks and sounds like a very cool guy. Love the doggies too....(ssssh Mitz, its ok!!!!)
I so totally agree with veg people being on the same page. I just had an email the other day from a friend that moved away years ago. I thought she was headed down the path of becoming a vegetarian etc...but she talked about enjoying NJFV but that they still just LOVE THEIR MEAT. I guess it happens but Im glad to be evolving in the 'right' direction, really look forward to becoming a total vegan and hopefully writing a vegan cookbook too. My blog friends are such a support, you of course are part of that wonderful group Karen!!!!
Huggs, G
Nice quote, and I love the photos. I want to give Heidi a great big hug. She looks so huggable. Mattie's a little small to give the hugs I give to my dogs. ;) My Koz will even rest his chin on my shoulder when I give him a hug. I'd give Mattie lots of rubbing, though. ;)
That is an excellent pic of your father.
you come from good genes, my friend...
What a wonderful cause your dad helps! You must be so proud. Love the cute doggy pic and the comics as always.
I love those pins. My son has Meat People Suck.. hehe
Your father looks like a good man.
The Bookman is so cool.
I love that quote... Do you know where it came from? I've heard it before but do not remember the original context.
Your blog is great--very personal and full of random cool things! I like it!
Thanks for visiting my blog. The latest news is, my husband and I are vegan as of this past Saturday! Yay! So I'm starting a new blog devoted entirely to being vegan--check it out sometime! :)
Again, I like your site and will be a regular visitor! Peace!
Super cute pic of the dogs. It goes perfectly with that quote. Sometimes, I feel like I'm all alone in my beliefs here in the "South." I take my evening walks and can peek into people's homes when the lights are on and curtains are open (aren't we all a little curious to know what our neighbors are like?) and they all have their hunting "trophies." It's so gross. Heads of every sort of animal grace their walls. We looked at this one home when we were first looking at houses to buy and it was filled with more than 30 dead animals. There was a den downstairs in the basement with a standing bear, lots of dear, elk, pigs, etc. Upstairs, in the guest bedroom, there was a full bobcat skin with the head attached that was stretched out on the guest bed. The head was actually up by the pillows. Can you imagine crawling into bed with that thing? People are so disgusting. They had two dogs that were stuck outside (in the August heat) and they were barking like mad (probably begging us to let them into the air conditioned home) and Marty said to them, "You two better be good because one false move and you'll end up in the basement with the rest of them." Anyway, to make a long story short, I am so happy to have a whole bunch of blogger friends who share the same views. Happy Monday dear friend!
I like your dad already! (And what he does!)
Thanks for the Bookman link. That is very inspiring and encouraging, as it is in the line of what hubby and I are trying to do. Thank you, thank you!
Wow- now we know where you get your generosity and willingness to give your time to others from... What an amazing group and your dad is one wonderful man!
I love seeing pics of Heidi and Mattie!!!
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