starting Monday...
Go Scott!
Scott & his dog (I think the late Tonto):

"In 2003, Scott and (his wife) Leah's dog, Tonto, passed away. Tonto had been a fixture in Scott and Leah's lives. He was Scott's main training partner and accompanied him on training runs up to 45 miles in preparation for the Western States 100 Mile Endurance Run.
'In addition to being a true companion and friend, Tonto was a teacher. He not only taught me how to travel the trail, but ultimately how to become the trail. It is only fitting that he embarked on a new journey while on a trail and during an event that has been a special part of my life.'
Tonto took another path the morning after Scott won his fifth title on June 29th, 2003. He will be missed, but never forgotten."
Play ball!

<--- And here's a happy and cool Mattie, ears a'flappin', running around and having a blast on the sand...
Being vegetarian in Korea made easier:
Another web site of note, for those of us
with loved ones who are omni/carnivore:
My FAVORITE is the dog with a hat. I don't know what happens when you put animals in hats, but it increases the cuteness factor by about 35% haha
A happy Mattie indeed. Sad to hear about Tonto. I know that our dog, "Pup" (we are horrible pet namers, but we do love them so!) is a regular family member. When she had to have a tumor removed last year we our whole family was miserable while she was at the vet hospital.
Love Mattie's hat too!
"How about a nice Hawaiian Punch?!" Does that date me? This was all over the TV on Saturday mornings and I begged my mom to buy some Hawaiian Punch, but she never did. She said it was just sugar water. Instead, we'd get Tang. ?? - I don't get it either.
Again, I will say...Peter's a hottie. It's so nice to see Heidi out and about and doing so well. Mattie is just a big hug waiting to happen! Such cute dogs, both of them!
Sorry I can't help you with the rabbit. The only ones I ever see are usually on the neighbour's lawn running from Simon's barks. Let us know how that works out.
Have a great weekend Kleo!
I love the ears a flappin'! So adorable. Seeing pictures of the beach sure has me homesick.
Your dog is so adorable. Love his ears through the hat! LOL!
You always have the cutest dog pictures!!! :)
RIP Tonto :( Looks like he had a wonderful life and was well loved.
Mattie is so sweet--and so is Peter.
I bookemarked the "veganmeat" site. I need it, since I live with Omniman.
I got all teary reading about the passing of that dog... I'm sure he will be missed so much.
LOVE the happy doggy pics.. sooo cute.
Sorry to hear about Tonto, but the photo of Tonto running with his master is so special. A joy to have had those moments, best wishes, The Artist
Oh, Heidi looks adorable! What a beautiful girl. Mattie is precious, too. :) Great pics.
That VeganMeat site is awesome. My hubby is still omni, so I could relate to it.
Neat, and sad, story about Tonto. Dogs really do teach us a great deal...if we just pay attention.
It is nice to see Heidi out and Mattie always looks like the happiest dog ever! She always has a smile on her cute little face with those floppy ears! You are such a good mommy to her :)
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