Food for thought? Hmmmm:

Yep, you are!
Remember that silliness from New Zealand?
There's a follow-up story! And it's worth reading:,2106,3804930a7144,00.html
I wish there didn't have to be an "us vs. them," but more power to Ella Soryl!
Pour some sugar on me!
This makes me glad Peter & i caught the Journey/Def Leppard concert (well, we listened to it in the venue's parking lot - ha ha!) back in August:
(And just a note: Steve Perry, former lead singer of Journey is also vegetarian...)
Wow, if i'm ever in Portland, Oregon, i'm so here:

Hi beautiful Kleo!
I'm always happy to see celebs promoting veggie-ness! They have such a following, that I hope it leads to the fans investigating this much healthier life style!
I love the McDonald's golden arses, I mean arches! Cute!
Oooh, Veganopolis! Lol! I'd show up with there with my suitcase and a fork!
I wanted to say thanks so much for the comments you left about relocating and having some of your belongings in storage. I felt better after reading that! I will probably have to do the same, but at least it gets me back home. So, did I get your life all wrong here? I thought the man in the photos (is it Peter?) was your husband. I'm so wrong...sorry. I catch on slowly! Lol! Thanks again though for always having such wise and positve comments and ideas for us on your blog and on all of ours! I'm so lucky you found my blog!!!
Hey Kleo! How sweet (yet sinister!) of you to clarify for me! Well, I am so relieved you didn't say Peter was your brother, because I've been saying what a great couple you are!! lol! Your relationship sounds perfect to me. In fact, I'm going to find myself a Peter! Lol!
Thanks for the info to un-confuse me!!! You're awesome!
Ha ha, love the cartoon and that coffee mug is terrific!!
Now this is funny, my dad has eaten at Veganopolis but I haven't! LOL He said the food the was good. I've never been to Portland. He was there last year on business and went to lunch with my mom's godson, James. James is a co-owner of a vegan restaurant and cafe in Portland called Proper Eats (The web site looks awful though) His mom is my godmother, the one who bought me the vintage snack set at an estate sale :)
Wow, that restaurant looks amazing!!! Can I come too LOL....
Have a great day Kleo, hope your weather is nice these days. I had relatives living in CA years ago, they always had to remind us that it wasn't always perfect sunny days, down that way.
Huggs, G
Had a look and Veganopolis has fabulous menus.
I don't thimk we have even one Vegan restaurant in the whole of Southern Africa :(
Love the McD cartoon. True to life isn't it ? How people can eat their food I don't know.
Kleo.. you alwas have the funnest links.. I checked out the menu and man what I wouldn't do for a resturant like that in our neck of the woods!!
oh wait.. my kitchen is really not bad huh? now how do I get it to shine like that?
love the fat A** that is too funny! somebobys mind was working.
Can't. Stop. Laughing. About. McDonalds. Cartoon. TOooo funny! Tooo true!
Yeah! Celebrity Veggies ROCK! ;)
I want to go to that eating establishment in a bad way! gimm, gimme, gimme...
This really struck me...
""There are people out there who are very well-educated who can look after themselves very carefully and maintain good health, but when you are designing public health policy you have got to direct people to eat diverse foods," he said."
I think everyone should be "very well educated" when it comes to what they eat. We should all strive to make healthy food choices. You definitely can be healthy if your not vegetarian it’s all about the choices you make.
I love the McDonalds cartoon. That is so cute!
Love the jokes and `Veganopolis' looks great. We have a wonderful vegan cafe on Australia'a Gold Coast' called `The Magic Apple. So great to go and eat real food. Was at an another place last week where there was just nothing on the menu a vegan could eat. Finally ordered a muffin and it came with cream although had asked for no cream. So great when you find the good eateries.
where oh where did you find that awesome mug? I gotta gets me one!
Megan (& anyone else interested in that mug):
good for ella challenging the prof! & whata pathetic response he provided...
we roll through portland at least once a year, so we'll definately go check out that restaurant -- last time, we went to "Daily Grind Natural Foods" at Jess's suggestion & that's another great stop.
i just gotta big laugh reading through your comments @ candi's -- she says, "In fact, I'm going to find myself a Peter!" I know it's grade school humor -- but it got my funny bone!!! Just like your golden arses did -- nuther good one, candi.
Great stuff here, Kleo -- I always enjoy your eclectic posts. :o)
Thanks so much for popping over to my new site. Yes Green Earth is also The Artist. Trying at the moment to live a more organic way and felt a need to put the blogs out there for a wider sharing on these concepts. Any inspirations do let me know and will always add your link to the blog, with best wishes, The Artist.
Ha, ha! The "golden arses" (funny, Candi!). That's really great.
And Portland... vegan heaven. I want to make a pilgrimage. Maybe we should have some kind of vegan blogger conference there :)
I love that cup! :)
And WE totally rock for seeing Def Leppard and Journey!
haha i LOVE the mc d's cartoon
it's too true!
I love the article about the 11-year-old girl. I think she gives a brave face to vegs everywhere. I have so wanted to travel to Portlant and to Seattle, both are supposed to be crawling with vegan restaurants. Though, I could probably travel a couple of hours north to San Francisco and get a pretty good selection of vegan fare.
Hey I'm commenting on this September post because I have been catching up some since my vanishing from blogland for a few weeks. I love that you just visited Carrie up in Canada!
It is so good to meet your neice and parents too. I think you look like your dad. My dad passed away in 1998, many say I looked alot like him too. It is good to see Peter is doing well to.
Sorry to read about your friend and breast cancer. Hugs. I hate cancer!
I decided to post on this date because you mentioned Steve Perry was a vegetarian. He was my high school favorite... absolutely! Knowing this has certainly made my evening.
Enjoy your wonderful time in Canada. I love it that you met with Carrie!
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