My friend Marie, in the gorgeous green shirt in the photo of the fearsome threesome, who does Cocker Spaniel rescue work in Pennsylvania, and her mom, Connie, in white, visited San Diego last week, and for one day lucky me was able to hang out with 'em.
Guess where we had lunch!?
SIPZ, of course.
( http://www.sipz.com/ )
We also shopped next door to SIPZ at the Animal Protection and Rescue League's ( http://www.aprl.org/ ) second-hand store. Marie & Connie shopped up a storm and i donated some books 'n' stuff then bought a barely-worn pair of vegan shoes for $3. Such a deal, i tell you!
We had also taken Peter's dog Heidi and my furbuddy Mattie (pre-haircut) to Ocean Beach's Dog Beach as you can see in the other photo. VERY fun!
Just a reminder:
Tuesday's Talk Like A Pirate Day (from Pirates of the Carob Bean http://www.veganpirates.co.uk/ )!
How wonderful to have a dog beach.
Amazing that you can get vegan shoes 2nd hand. They are so expensive to import here I don't think anyone would give them up until they fell apart. I generally have to rely on getting shoes made with cloth, canvas or plastic which never last more than one season.
What lovely pics of you and your friend. That's wonderful she does Cocker Spaniel rescue work :) As always, that SIPZ place looks amazing. I'm envious you have such a cool restaurant and also a thrift shop to support an animal organization near-by. And WTG to on your $3 pair of shoes. I know your mom is just as proud of you as I am for your bargain shoes :) I had a good laugh seeing that Talk Like a Pirate Day is coming up. At Rob's old job, his former boss was, er, quite eccentric and occasionally would fly the Jolly Roger flag out front!!! I'm totally serious! His new workplace and office co-workers are quite normal, thank goodness!!!
Ahoy Matey! Aarrr!
So nice that you have friends come to visit from out of town. I have one coming soon (*wink*). Sounds & looks like you live in a fantastic place. Beach, mountains, vegan stuff everywhere! Your photos always look pretty.
I sometimes frequent a second hand stores and get good deals. There is one in town here that is run by Animal Aid, a no-kill shelter. My best deal on vegan shoes was from Sears. No kidding! They have an on-line shopping site here with a clearance page and I got a great everyday pair of all man-made material shoes for $7. I've had them for about 4 years now and just last week noticed a small split in the back around the top part of the shoe. That's a pretty good deal, eh? I still wear them. My pants cover the worn part, so no one knows but me. And now you. And anyone else who reads this.
I wish I had a dog beach around here. Well, I wish I had a dog and I wish I had a beach (nearest one is an hour away). I am soo jealous of your amazing tan. I added you as a link if thats ok.
I have to go all the way over here: Map to get KP a veggie sandwich at Subway. But since KP isn't here in NV, I guess I'll just go over there anyway and get the footlong BMT on parmesan oregano. This web blog makes me hungry.
You look so glowing in all your photos, a wonderful recommendation for living the vegan life.
Am walking the vegan path here as well and it certainly evolves with you.
Feel energised now on such simple food,
with best wishes, The Artist
I laugh every time I read that Pirate link. I'm going to send the link to my co-workers to see if they'll join me in Tuesday's talk like a pirate day (I'm thinking they probably won't but it's worth a try).
Looks like you had a good visit with your friend. What a great place to eat/shop. You're fortunate to have so many veg friendly places - why, oh why did I leave San Diego (LOL)?
What a happy bunch at the beach! Glad you are enjoying your weekend! cherie
wowww.. looks like you guys had some good fun :-)
in btw, I just visited the los angeles farm sanctuary and it was a wonderful experience.. awesome experience!! farm animals are sooooo coooooooool!!!
Kleo, you look so happy, healthy, and beautiful as always! You look like you were born to be on a gorgeous beach! Lol! Looks like you all had a great time! Sipz is awesome! I wish we had one in Seattle. Your pics make me want to move to San Diego though, forget the Seattle stuff.
Great find on the shoes! Isn't it fun to get a great deal?!
I agree with The Artist's comment that you are:
"a wonderful recommendation for living the vegan life." :)
what a perfect way to spend the day with friends! dog beach (i love ocean beach!) and of course, sipz! whoo hoo on your vegan shoe score. and mattie got a nice haircut - no mistakin' this time! - must feel great for her. i missed seeing you on this trip - and won't let it happen next time!
as always, love your smile. i'm glad you had a good time with your friends and pups.
I really wish there were a dog friendly beach around here. Sammy's very into wading.
Sounds like a fun time! Lunch with good friends, cheap shoes and fun with puppies. That sounds like my kind of day!
Looks like a lovely day spent with friends and fur-people! That cafe looks yummy, too. Clearly I will have to get down to San Diego soon. :) Dog parks, delish vegan fare and second hand shops that benifit animal groups? Your town has it all!
Now I must go study up for Talk Like A Pirate Day. Arrrrgh, Matey!
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