Happy and Healthy New Year to anyone marking the Jewish New Year.
Not exactly like the secular new year, for Jews, this is a time of deep thought and serious introspection...
... and saying "i'm sorry" to those we have wronged in the past year ...

On being a Jewish vegan:
And for a very interesting Catholic/Christian viewpoint of vegetarianism, check this out:
This is one of my fave sites, too, its mellow "believe in a power greater than you" overtones give it a different but nice feel:
Hope everyone is doing well!
I've been away from the computer... be back Sunday...
just a couple of things i wanted to share...
A good sign! http://www.tykieslonglife.com/news.php

From http://www.vegsoc.org/index.html ,
this dog's (like all dogs!) got rights (and lefts!)
I love the dog with the thought bubble!
interesting article about that catholic's view on vegetarianism. i was raised catholic myself (though am no longer practicing), but i never understood how they could say "don't eat meat on fridays during lent," but it was still fine to eat fish. doesn't make sense to me.
p.s. the above comment was from me, but i'm not sure why it doesn't say amygeekgrl. blogger is throwing me for a loop.
Happy New Year to you too Kleopatra! Thank you for all of the interesting links you put up. Most of them are very informative.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Happy new year, Kleo! Thanks for those links--they made for very good reading, and they really encouraged me! Bless you!
Enjoyed the links. That's a wonderful article about the dog who was fed a vegetarian diet. Thanks for posting it. Hope you're having a good weekend. Oh, and Happy Jewish New Year :)
Happy Jewish New Year! Thanks for the info and links! You are packing with info over there, Kleo!! Lol!
I lvoe the veggie dog link!!!!! I'm so happy to see that! :) :)
Hope you are having a great weekend! *hugs*
Great links. I was raised Catholic but tried many other religions as I was growing up. For the past six years, I've been back in the Catholic church and have many friends that go veg as part of their Lenten activities but immediately stop that when Lent ends. I wonder what they would think about the Catholic article....
Hope you're having a great weekend.
I was raised RC too and the fish on Friday thing was too silly. Even as a kid, I didn't get it, supposedly a 'sacrifice' and doing without, hahahah...Not from my perspective, people just ate a big fish dinner instead or meat.
How about a religion that preaches the virtues of a humane existence, on all levels, that would be a nice change.
Huggs Kleo and have a great week, G
Happy New Year!
Great stuff, as usual, Kleo.
Happy New Year Kleo!
I was raised Southern Baptist but currently attend RC services. I have always been interested in the subject of vegetarian/animal rights and religion. There is a lot of good stuff out there - books by Andrew Linzey, Ryan Berry, etc.
I love that article about Tykie! I knew a vegetarian diet could be possible for dogs. By the way, I'm trying yet another food for Noble. The fast went ok, but as soon as I tried to incorporate the California Natural Herring and Sweet Potato (which was supposedly for sensitive stomachs) he started having diarrhea again. I found Natural Balance Vegetarian formula so I went back to rice for 24 hours and have been VERY gradually incorporating this new dog food. So far, so good. I'll keep you posted.
I appreciated the link for the Catholic vegetarian's view. Very interesting. I will definitely keep this handy to pass along as appropriate.
I hope you had a good weekend. I'm not sure what is happening but I'm having difficulty getting updates for all of my blogs now. I thought no one had been posting (must have been a busy weekend for everyone) but come to find out, I just wasn't getting notified.
You check out a lot of blogs. How do you keep track of who has new posts? I might need to try a new system.
Hi Kleo,
I'm not Jewish, and I thought about making this private in an email, but I thought I might as well publicize this: you're a sweetie, and I'm sorry I snapped at you, so many posts ago. You have forgiven me, as usual, without being asked, because your patience is so enormous, but allow me to take this Jewish New Year time to say: I'm sorry. Will you forgive me?
On a lighter note, thank you for your sweet comment on my blog post! :)
Happy New Year.
Thanks for the links.
All-creatures has always been one of my favorite sites.
Chai-online very interesting. Another site I found very interesting was http://www.jesusveg.com/jewish.html .
that dog with the bubble is WHY i became veg. that is so odd! I took a philosophy class and we discussed animals, then i really had no desire to eat them anymore.
great pup!
I find that discussing vegetarianism with a Christian who thinks "animals are put here for us to eat" is impossible. No intelligent conversation will happen, in my experience. Besides, animals were here before the human animals. Cherie
the dog is so sweet! thanx for the links!!
I hope your New Year was especially sweet and that as you reflect in the coming days your mind is clear as well as your mission. Best to you my far away friend.
L'Shana Tovah!
wow, a veggie dog! i've never heard of one before. how adorable.
great links, kleo - the vegetarian dog site has cute photos & awesome info. :o)
happy (belated) new year, and thank you for an always interesting/informative blog! I also really enjoyed reading your comments from the past few days.
Thanks for the great links Kleo. I especially enjoyed the article on the church and veg*nism.
Hope you had a great holiday with your family. L'Shana tovah tika tevu.
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