And today, less than 24 hours post hair cut:

"Mommy, mommy why'dja do this to me?!"
Me: Proud vegetarian/almost vegan. Animal lover. Passionate about life and living well. Working journalist. Jewlicious but open-minded. Wannabe athlete. Trying to get by in this world. Thanks for visiting, do make yourself at home.
Me: Proud vegetarian/almost vegan. Animal lover. Passionate about life and living well. Working journalist. Jewlicious but open-minded. Wannabe athlete. Trying to get by in this world. Thanks for visiting, do make yourself at home.
Mattie! Your flowing blonde locks! She looks ALMOST like a different dog. Her button eyes and happy face give her away though. Does she like getting a "hair cut"? A girl I work with has a Golden Retriever and they get it's fur trimmed right down in the summer to help keep her cool. When they do this, she looks like a yellow Lab. Then she can travel around incognito!
Nice Do! :) Yup! I got your comment, too! Thanks! As for the cheese sauce it was alright...first taste was different but after that I liked it. BUT I found an even better cheese sauce and made it last night! It's the best I have ever attempted and boy have I had trials with vegan cheese! I sort of blogged about it today but have to find the recipe again. If I can't find it during the day I will post it at home late tonight!!! Have a great weekend!
she looks happy with her new 'do! hehe! cherie
awwwww... Mattie! You look quite beautiful and I'm sure you're a lot cooler too! :)
Mattie is just so darn adorable, both pre- and post- hair cut :) That's so funny you stopped the ice cream truck :) I haven't done that since I was a kid...my favorite growing up was this blue foot shaped popsicle/ice cream with a large pink gumball on the "big toe". I have no idea why that appealed to me as a kid. LOL
aww ! everytime i see photos of Mattie i want to go out and get a puppy. ah well, someday...
i hope you have a super duper happy weekend !
what a cute dog! looks very different!
Mattie's a whole new dog with the haircut!
It's like Canine Extreme Makeover!
:) She is so beautiful!
Mattie's looks great with her new cut. Though she was really cute with the long curls too!
The other day I was thinking about how cool it would be if there were vegan ice cream trucks driving around!
I love the haircut - way to switch it up :)
Mattie eats the popsicles too? Yum!
Oh Mattie.. you are beautiful no matter how long your hair is!!
Ohmigosh! I just want to smooch that happy puppy nose. :) She looks loverly with her new haircut and I'm sure it's nice and cool without the extra hair.
Mattie, just remember what I tell myself after an afternoona the salon...if you don't love your haircut, it'll grow out in a few weeks anyway. In the meantime, you won't have the long hair dipping in your water dish.
Nice, I bet she feels a load lighter now, I love the feeling of a fresh hair cut. Reminds me I should bet my won trimmed this weekend, doesn’t hurt that Fantastic Sam’s is right next to the Indian buffet :P Mattie has to be the sweetest lookin’ girl I’ve ever seen, just love that face. I just want to cuddle right up to her.
oh her shorn locks!! but she's still beautiful.
I am so behind reading and commenting on my blog-rounds! Please forgive me. Mattie looks great with both hair-dos. I don't think she could look bad if she tried. What a cutie! Dog pix are always my favorite.
Wow, what a difference that haircut makes! I bet she's happy.
I've been looking over all your posts I missed... and enjoying them, as always. Thanks for making me smile.
Just when I thought she couldn't get any more adorable! She looks just darling with her new doo.
One concern, I blew up the photo to get a better look at all of her cuteness and noticed the dog tag. It's kind of hard to read (which is good in blog world) but I just wanted to make sure it was legible in your world. I once found a stray with a collar and a tag, but the tag was so old and the letters had almost worn off and I couldn't read it to find the owners. I turned the dog in to our local shelter (which thankfully was a no kill shelter) but I always wondered if she had ever found her owners. Ok, just wanted to make sure cause you never know.
Hi! Thanks for the comment! I'm still online! Just posted the cheese sauce, btw. Here is the original post for the polenta which has some additional info on the sauce:
Ooohhhh, so cute!
awww, she is so sweet - both before and after. :)
one of my dogs looks completely different after a haircut. we almost didn't recognize her the first time we did it!
Kleo - thanks for all your lovely comments on my blog latey - you're simply wonderful.:-) Adore you to bits.
I love Mattie's new 'do! CUTE! Did Mattie sit still?
And that popsicle looks delicious - but mostly because it was being shared with family.:-)
Oh my! Is that the same dog? LOL. She's precious both ways, but now I'll get her mixed up with Heid in your pics, I know it. ;)
Mattie looks like a little puppy without her hair -- like a whole different dog! Still cute though.
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