Some photos:
*sigh* She really was such a unique person:
Please, please everyone promise me that you and every one of your passengers will ALWAYS WEAR A SEATBELT when traveling in a car, even if it's just around the block. Please promise me that. Please.
What an unbelievably tragic loss at such a young age. I am sorry for your loss kleo. My prayers are with you and her family.
Oh Kleo... I'm so sorry for your loss. Her spirit will indeed live on in the hearts and memories of friends like you.
My sincere sympathy goes out to you Kleo. This is a tragic loss.
Huggs, Take care, Geraldine
So sad. I heard about the accident...I didn't realise you were friends. It's nice of you to write such kind words, especially at such a difficult time. take care
im very soory for your loss. My family prayers are with you and her family
i'm so sorry, kleo.
i promise.
Oh how heartbreaking! You will definitely be in my thoughts and prayers.
May her family and friends find the comfort they need during this time and the strength to heal.
That is so tragic and heart-breaking :( *HUGS*
P.S. I always wear my seatbelt.
Very sorry to hear about your friend. You and her and her family are in my thoughts.
I am truly at a loss for words here. It's very heartbreaking. I hope you find comfort in her memory and her spirit.
Take care. {{{{Hugs}}}}
Wow. I come to leave you a post and it is so sad! I know what you're going through though. I'm so sorry and I always wear my selt belt. Even just around the block.
Oh, Kleo. I am so sorry for your loss. I can't say anything that hasn't been said here, so I will simply say, I will always always ALWAYS wear a seatbelt. I promiss.
I'm so sorry...and I promise too.
I'm sorry for your loss. So sad to go at such a young age, my sympathies to you and the rest of her friends and family.
I'm sorry you lost a friend. :( With all of the times you make us laugh with your comics and cartoons, it's very upsetting to see you down. I hope you feel better soon. I know it takes time. Cherie
What terrible news. I am so sorry for your loss, Kleo. She sounds like an amazing woman and athlete.
I promise to always wear my seatbelt. I swear.
i'm so sorry for the loss of your friend, sweetie. :( big hugs to you.
p.s. i'd honestly feel naked w/o a seatbelt.
How utterly tragic. What an incredible loss. She is now with the wolves--they are taking care of her now.
I'm sorry for your loss, Kleo. Your post was a nice tribute to her.
I just read your e-mail. I'm stunned, really. What a terrible shame. (((((((((HUGS!!)))))))) And prayers.
And I always wear my seatbelt.
What a horrible accident; I'm truly sorry Kleo. I always wear my seatbelt.
What tragic, horrible news. I am so sorry. I saw from the links that she ran the Vancouver Sun Run. I have run the Vancouver Sun Run every year (of course I take on average twice the time to finish that she did). I will think of her next April when I run.
sorry for your loss.. very tragic!! I absolutely agree with you on the seatbelt thing.. and do promise.. will always wear.
:( What a sad story, and what an incredible woman! Thank you for sharing her life with us. She looks like an amazing woman, and so are you for recognizing that in her and sharing her info with all of us. I'm so sad that you are hurting. I'll be thinking of you and sending you good thoughts.
Yes, I promise to ALWAYS wear my sealbelt, and make sure everyone else riding does too. Everytime. Thanks for reminding us of that.
{{{hugs}}}} I promise to wear my seatbelt and will make my passengers do the same.
Thanks for another reminder that it's important to buckle up. Perhaps if even one life is saved because of this...
I'm sorry to hear about your friend. I really liked her outlook on life. "Do it or don't do it. There is no try."
I promise, I always wear my seatbelt and bug everyone I'm with about it.
I was just popping by to say hi and see how you were holding up. I haven't "seen" much of you around lately and wanted to make sure you're ok.
Haha Kleo. No sooner did I hit the publish comment button and I had a new mail from you. Great minds think alike. Weird, in a very fascinating way.
oh no! it gives me chills reading about your friend. My mom got into a really bad accident when she was 17 and the ONLY thing that saved her was her seatbelt. I am so sorry
Kleo, the people I work with knew her also and are saddened and shocked by her death. I'm sorry for your loss.
K, I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. My heart reaches out to you and your and her family are in my thoughts during this time.
I am very sad to hear about this. My sympathies.
I'm really sorry to hear this happened, Kleo. I send you fond thoughts and warmth to everyone affected.
oh no...i'm so sorry Kleo~ and i'm sorry for the world too...she did so much!
she'll have a grand place where ever she's at. probably a place where animals aren't tortured and eaten, i'd suppose... : (
How very sorry I am for your loss. Sending you plenty of cyber hugs!
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