Wishing everyone a fun, productive, healthy, safe week.
Me: Proud vegetarian/almost vegan. Animal lover. Passionate about life and living well. Working journalist. Jewlicious but open-minded. Wannabe athlete. Trying to get by in this world. Thanks for visiting, do make yourself at home.
Me: Proud vegetarian/almost vegan. Animal lover. Passionate about life and living well. Working journalist. Jewlicious but open-minded. Wannabe athlete. Trying to get by in this world. Thanks for visiting, do make yourself at home.
**Sorry! I had to delete my last comment because I type too fast and it didn't make much sense! Lol!! Here it is edited and hopefully right:
Mattie!!! **hugs** What a cutie!! And you have a VERY cool mum too!!
Kleo, your cartoons crack me up! I have no idea where you find them, but I love them. The deer waiting to judge are hilarious!
I love the article link too! This line had me laughing out loud: "He said fruits and vegetables were overrated as sources of those nutrients."
I used to say that when I was a teen and wanted to eat Pizza and Mac&Cheese for the rest of my life. Lol!
It looks like you had a great weekend! I looked again at your photos from yesterday's blog and just love them! Your pics always make me smile. You are so pretty and happy, and you are inspiring!!!!
Hugs to you and Mattie!
Love the cartoon. And Mattie is just so darn cute. Give that adorable dog of yours a hug for me. And that New Zealand article...it stinks...P-U!!!!
Hope you have a wonderful week Kleo :)
Oh good grief. That man from New Zealand is so irritating. He was hired by the egg, fish and red meat producers industry. Of course he's going to promote their products.
The thing that pisses me off is that he said children following vegan diets are at the most risk because we need microbilogical preparations and milti-vitamins and that's unhealthy because it's not whole food.
Of course there are junk food vegans but studies show that on average vegans are much healthier than non-vegans and - THIS IS THE KICKER - vegans eat far more whole foods and far less prepared, packaged junk. Ugh!
What I love about you Karen is that instead of getting mad, you dismiss it as pure silliness!
Have a great week!
i would love that.
people just don't see what they do...they just don't.
I love the cartoon! Mattie is a cutie. I love her new look. :-)
Hehe, love the cartoon. As far as that New Zealand article, why would you even bother paying attention to an “expert” that’s been paid to represent a point of view? Even if they happen to personally support that point of view, they obviously have less than altruistic motives $$$.
Love that picture of y’all at the beach. I had such a lazy weekend I didn’t get out enough, but I sure got lots of napping :)
Wow, thanks for posting that article. This guy is definitely being paid for his opinion. Bob Barker stated on The O'Reilly factor Friday that he attributes his health, energy and longevity to his vegetarian diet. I guess somebody forgot to tell Bob that he is supposed to be sickly from lack of meat.
Mattie is so cute! Tonight's episode of "Wife Swap" had the guy who invented talk like a pirate day -- it made me think of you.
And a wonderful week to you to. Looks like you are enjoying time with friends, wonderful! You cartoons cheered my day. :)
love the cartoon, kleo -- i wish the hunters would take it to heart. and look at mattie sporting a new do -- such a cutie.
I love the hunting accident one!! hehe Cherie
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