Those swingers, Mattie & Peter!!

^Above^ and
<---- Peter & Mattie hangin' out in his Sky Chair http://www.skychairs.com/ last weekend. Peter got two of 'em at a street fair and gave one to me as a condo-warming gift 1 1/2 years ago, and i love it! Comfort like you can't believe... I still go on swings at parks & playgrounds, but don't tell anyone! :o)
This t-shirt's on sale for $4.99.
(See link below for more info.)
Anyone gonna get it? I might!

Mmmmmmmm! Vegan food porn from Chicago:
Have you voted?
At Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine's Web site, that is.
This was my first look at all of these ads:
Hey Kleo! Great post, again! I don't know where you dig up all of those cool links. Thanks for sharing. I love the T-shirt! As you saw from my post, I think I'd better hold off on the spending for a while. The shirt's a bargain, but the shipping to Canada is killer. When I have time, I definitely want to watch those commercials and vote. Looks like there might be some pretty sad contenders there.
And most importantly....very nice photo of Peter and Mattie. The cuteness oozes from the picture :o) Interesting chair to say the least. I could see me getting it all tangled up. HAHA! I'm a bit of a klutz that way. It looks like it would be uber-comfortable though.
Great photos! I love the t-shirt, too! I really need to buy some good shirts like that...gotta build some funds up first. lol
Cute t-shirt:)
very cute pictures of Peter and Mattie. i hope you are doing well !
I voted for teh Burger King commercial, as that one pisses off both me and Rich, but I also think that some omnivores will realize how dumb it is.
I love that animal testing T-shirt, but I rarely wear Ts and don't want to pay shipping!
That chair looks very cozy, indeed. You both can fit on it!
Oh, look at those two cuties in that awesome swing chair! Those chairs looks so comfy to sit in. How relaxing!!
Ha ha, that t-shirt is hilarious. That vegan food porn site from Chicago is amazing! What a variety of food pics.
I have been trying to leave a comment for days now.. I hope this comes through...
I love Peter and Mattie... A man who loves dogs... what's not to love there?
I love that shirt...I think I should get that...
I still go on swings too...I just try not to do it when anyone else is at the parks... The worst part is when you're really into a good high swing and then some parents show up with their kids and give you weird looks.
Ack! Falling over from the cuteness! Great pics. :)
I love that t-shirt. Since I'm back in school these days, it's funny on so many levels. Right now I am also against algebra testing. (sigh)
Thanks for all of the great links. As usual I could spend most of my work day perusing all the amazing info you found to share with us. Think my boss would notice? ;)
Love those pics of Mattie and Peter! What a couple of cuties!
I have that shirt as a pin! I'm pretty sure I got it at Mooshoes a couple years back.
Great post, cool chair and nice photos. Love that t-shirt!
Mattie and Peter are very phtotogenic. Their happiness permeates the lens.
Great T. Great price.
My favorite posts of yours are ones that have puppy pictures :-) Mat looks very happy!
very good links! nice photos, so cute. the chair looks so cute, i think i my like one. absolutely love the shirt, i will love to have one.
great photos -- mattie & peter look so happy & comfy. in the second pic, peter sorta looks like he has a funky wig on -- though i doubt that's the case -- he doesn't stike me as a wig wearin' guy! lol! :o)
i picked up one of those t-shirts -- whata great price and i really like the caption. thanks for the tip, kleo! :o)
those skychairs are awesome. :) we don't have one but i have to "try" them out wherever i see them being sold. ;)
cute pics!
Hi Kleo and Mattie and Peter!
That chair is awesome! I'd swing for way too long if I had one! I swing in parks too and get upset when the little kids come. LOL!
oooh, all those commercials make me so angry. I don't watch much TV, which is great because I yell at the screen when I see stuff like that.
What a cute T-shirt!!! Thanks for the link!!
Peter and Mattie look so happy and adorable together!!!!
btw: if you're tempted like i was with the animal testing shirt -- don't bother, they are sold out! i just got an email today - no t-shirt.
awww, those photos are adorable! looks like fun.
I ordered the shirt. But now I just saw Vicki's comments so I'm really hoping that they weren't sold out in my size. It's too cute and for $10.28 its a super bargain. Thanks for the link. Hopefully I'll have some extra time tonight to check out those commercials.
I think the pic of Peter and Mattie is really precious. He has a fabulous smile!
Ok, just watched all those commercials and it's so pathetic and sad. I voted for the Burger King commercial but the TGI Friday's commercial was a close second. I am so glad that I am a vegan!
Hi Kleo!
Awww! I love the pictures of Peter and Mattie! Very cute!
I was SOO annoyed at those commercials. I hated the Burger King one.
You know, that chair would make a great...oh, never mind. :-)
Have a great Friday Kleo....
Huggs, G
Way cute t-shirt!! Love it!
Cute pictures- I love when human and animal cuteness come together!
P.S. I voted for the Hummer ad. F*#k them and their messed up concepts of manhood!
These ads remind me a lot of the connections b/t sexism/misogyny and exploitation of animals. SO mad. grrrr.
i like the shirt! how do you find all these links really!
i like those restaurant shirts, but it's hard to find vegan ones.. do you know any?
your pictures are really nice!
Really special photos. You really capture the moment so well.
Really special photos. You capture the moement so well.
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