"Vegan Delight," by Benjamin Zephaniah:
( http://www.benjaminzephaniah.com/ )

And for other interesting links:
(there, i found this, the U.K.'s Farm Animal Rescue Sanctuary!)
And two more sanctuaries, so wonderful to see!

<----Who's with me here?
I love Benjam Zephaniah. Thanks for posting the link!
Great links as always! The poem was so cute. :)
What a wonderful poem. Thanks for posting it. That is a cool t-shirt. Love it! You always post such interesting links. I wanted to say a big thank you for posting that link a few weeks ago about Alternative Outfitters. Rob was in need of some new dress shoes for work and I just ordered him a pair from there. They should be arriving next week. Thanks again!!! You rock! :)
I love the poem! And the artwork to accompany it is so cute. What the heck are ackees? I see cans of them at the grocery store, but have no idea what they are or what you do with them.
I'm all for your T-shirt. I'm sure we've all heard the latest about POM juice. WTF?
You know I really must stop looking at your blog while at work. :) I start clicking on all your cool links and reading stuff and learning new things and before you know it I've gone and spent all kinds of enjoyable time on the internet and I haven't gotten a single thing filed or copied etc. On second thought...I had better be SURE to stop by here every morning. :)
Thanks for the cool info on the other farm animal sanctuary groups. It's so inspiring to see that there are other people who feel so strongly about these critters.
If that shirt was just a bit sexier I'd buy it. (I need all the help I can get.)
vegan delight is so pretty!
Thanks for all the great links, Kleo! You keep us informed, and I love it!! Did you see the little piglet photos on the TowerHill Sanctuary site! HOW ADORABLE!!
Cute t-shirt!!!! I also like the popular one that says "Vegetarians taste better".
Kleo, I was so glad to see this post, it's always fun to see other farm sanctuaries around the world. I think I've fallen in love and become obsessed with farm animals in the last few weeks! (Well, the love was always there, but the obsession is new.)
And you (and your alter ego) are always welcome to visit my blog! ;-)
i i love your post, i always learn something from you!
Aw when i was in high school i was a poet. then work and college took up all my time. it was nice to read a poem again.
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