Wanna make sumfin' of it?! :o)

From Friends of Animals...

(and of course tomorrow, 2 Oct.,
is World Farm Animals Day...)
World Vegetarian Day's own site:
Ya know what? I'm puzzled, too!

<--From North American Vegetarian Society:

Suffice it to say Yom Kippur is considered by all Jews as the most solemn day of the year. We stand before G-d all day long in prayer; we appeal for forgiveness for our errors and plan to improve ourselves in the coming year.
It's been a rough end of the Jewish year/a rough month of September for me, with my friend Emilie's death which was preceded by my friend David going through quintuple bypass surgery. Then a week ago, my friend Steve was flipped and flung from his bicycle going 15 mph by someone carelessly opening up their car door causing him fractures and broken bones - but fortunately he was wearing a helmet!
I'm so grateful for a new month secular-speaking and for a new year ahead - 5767, i do believe.
I'll be away from the computer until well after sundown Monday and hope all of you enjoy World Vegetarian Day and World Farm Animals Day and for all those who are fasting to commemorate Yom Kippur, i wish you an easy fast!!
And if there are any pineapple fans out there, this is pretty cool:
Have a great weekend & week ahead!