Good videos here:
Truly amazing photographs of nature here:
I love the Jumping Lamb! The joy! The sheer joy!!
The two Elephant Orphans pix are also wonderful.
*sigh* I'm tired tonight... but I have one story to share.
Earlier today, i stopped along one of our myriad freeways to help a woman and her Bedlington Terrier (the dog that looks like a lamb, so cute!) get help for a flat tire.
Bravely (foolishly -- but there was no other choice for them!) they were walking against traffic in a little dirt path right next to the freeway. Totally scary. And it was super hot out.
She hadn't brought her cell phone with her on this trip ("Murphy's Law" for sure!).
Normally i don't pull off the road for people on the freeway because of the "stories" we've all been warned about, but i was really glad i did.
The woman was grateful beyond belief and i gave the BT, named "Ben" some water in a Frisbee i had in the back of my car!
But the event got me pondering stuff and wondering what the heck happened in this world - and WHEN - that peeps had to start thinking twice about helping others in need...
you're a saint!
I have friends who make it a point to help others in the same way and admire you all more than you know. I think when I was young and impressionable, I saw that Ted Bundy movie with Mark Harmon and so right then and there promised to never help another stranger again. Deliberate or not. Damn those made-for-tv movies...
That was so nice of you. The other day I locked myself outta my car and someone helped me. I love it that there are nice people out there like you to help people in need! : )
That cartoon is too funny..
It is really sad that we are so afraid to help people these days. I try to help when I can and not let fear take over. Having a Pit Bull has helped me with that (I've picked up people thumbing rides with her in the car where I never would have if I was alone).. not that my dog would hurt anyone (unless someone was trying to hurt me)
first off...taht comic was hilarious. it DOES annoy peopel doens't it???
and the pictures were gorgeious.
and i know it. we're such a society full of fear and how can we not be? if we let our guard down (murphys law) we could be killed or worse; raped. i ahte that i cannot sleep if i've left a window open. when i lived in NH we never even locked our doors! Car or house.
those were the good ol' days...
I like your blog also... you have an enjoyable sense of humor.
K- I have to share a story from many years ago when my car got stucked in the snow a few long blocks from our house. Yep, in the neighborhood. Talking about Murphy's Law, I didn't have my cell phone either as I was just going to the nearest gas station that snow-stormy evening. Cars slowed down and ppl looked, but nobody stopped. Few minutes later a police car came. Someone called in for me.
So I could totally understand that it's just hard for some ppl to trust strangers, and for good reasons, in this day and age.
I actually met, and visited at a hospital in Chicago, a guy who almost lost his legs (and postpone his wedding) for trying to help another motorist.
But no evil done should really stop us from doing the good, as you've shown. Thanks for sharing.
Great cartoon and uplifting story...unfortunately you do have to be aware and wary, now. We live in a city with a very high crime rate, if you start taking chances here, you will be sorry. Scary but true.
There are so many really good people in the world, too bad the ones who aren't control as much as they do.
Strangly enough I saw a car accident today: a lady in a small car who lost control of the vehicle and drove her right into the separator between the two opposite lane. She basically flattened the one meter tall bushes that were on the separator to get up there. She looked confused but ok: at most she should have pain in her neck, but no other injuries.
I am not totally sure of the dynamics but what I noticed was the big amount of people stopping their own car to help her out. Within minutes there was an ambulance there.
Also, I wanted to share that in some countries is it actually mandatory to stop if you are the first few cars to see any sort of car accident/car problem: not to comply with this rule makes you guilty of 'help omittance'. I find it a bit bizarre, especially if you know not to be able to help in any way, but alas, this is the law...
nice work kleo!! we were involved in an accident last year while coming back from vegas when our car lost control and slammed into the nearby mountain wall.. a nurse and her family were driving right behind us.. they stopped and helped us out.. the nurse' husband fixed the tire for us whereas nurse was calming down my friends parents who had just come to USA.. they came in at the right time and helped us a lot..
hey and those r some really good pics too..
i like how you went with your gut feeling to help! we need more people like you.
Funny cartoon. LOL.
Very nice of you to stop. You just hear so many bad stories and there have been incidences around town where a good samaritan got hurt or killed helping someone in a "disabled" car. Calling the police about it is probably the best bet if yo u can't find it in you to stop (I have done that). It's too bad the world, at least here, has gotten this way. Good for you, though, to go with your gut and stop for that lady. I want to think that any person with a dog is okay, but that is just not true either. A coworker of mine just found a puppy tied to a guard rail on the freeway. Someone had just left him there.
What a great story! She must have been so relieved that you helped her and her dog. You do so many good things for other people!
that cartoon is hilarious. and true. do stick to vegan restaurants though--never a good idea to give a regular waiter or regular kitchen a complicated time, you never know what will end up on your plate....
pisces rule
I was truly wondering the last few days... if it was a man with a dog, would i stop? Probably yes. If it was a man with a dog at night, most likely no.
It was so interesting to read everyone's comments about this.
To pinknest, nah, i'm not!
To kate, i understand, big time. Yet another reason i refuse to watch TV!
To funwithyourfood, glad you got assistance!
To Melody, i liked the toon as well and having a dog like yours definitely adds an extra bit of safety for you. You can see by Mattie's photo that she has little effect on scaring anybody!
To monsoongirlie, i adore that lamb photo as well. SO CUTE!
To TK, you know i hear ya, kid. Glad you checked the photos out!
To dori, THANK YOU!!!
To Kai, very strange-but-true story you related here about the man who almost lost his legs. Wow. It's a tough call on this kind of thing. I suppose knowing someone called the police for you is heartening, but it's still a different world out there when no car would actually stop.
To geraldine, i do understand what you are "saying" here. I think San Diego is relatively safe, but again, like Forrest Gump said about the box o'chocolates... you never know...
To t., very fascinating stories. And i did not know that about the mandatory stopping. That is quite interesting and enlightening for me to know. I had absolutely no clue but think it's a pretty nifty law...
To mc seitan, things happen for a reason... when they are supposed to happen, as they are supposed to happen. This is a case where it's so obvious. I am so glad you had peeps there to help you and your friends out!
To Vicki, and you know, we need more people like YOU!!!
To Cheri, thank you for popping by and i felt good about doing what i did. The woman was such a nice person. I would hope that if ever she sees someone having a problem, perhaps she will stop and help out as well. (I never saw "Pay It Forward," but i think that's the premise of that story.)
To tara, what your coworker saw; gosh that is just AWFUL. i hate hate hate a person that could do something like that to a helpless animal. There are few things and fewer people i truly loathe, but someone like that gets the bad vibe karma of negativity forevermore from moi... Anyway, you are right about the police and calling them and what not, but i just went with my "gut" at that point...
To Karen, she was and so was the dog, his poor tongue hangin' down and in need of some water. i would do it again and again if the circumstance came up.
To anne altman, whose avatar rocks my world: Thanks for comin' by. You are right about veg food and restaurants! And i gotta add: Yep, Pisces are pretty happenin'...
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