Seen at the San Diego Fair (i snuck in again, Thursday with Peter, and again Friday with my mother!), this photo taken by a high school student.
I can't get over the "sad old man" look on the kid's face - especially given (the irony of) the hat's message. He appears so pensive, so contemplative, and probably all of 2 years of age.
Sometimes when people ask, "How are you?" do you not say "Fine" or "Fantastic!" even when things are not necessarily fine nor fantastic?
I love the expression the photographer captured here...
Even in dark, rough, shaky, anxiety-filled times, even with moments that test everything we've got in our souls and spirit, and even through events both traumatic and tragic... life is good.
That is a wonderful message, and so true. Maybe that kid is just thinking really hard... or maybe he just had a bit of an *accident* in his pants...
Very Inspirational!
I agree whatever trials we experience life still is good.
LOL, I was thinking the same thing as freedom. Aiyana used to get that face when she had an accident.
Don't you just want to hug him and tell him everything will be OK? Adults are such liars.
Great message KleoPatra. Life IS good. Even when we feel like we're in a rut and have given up on dreams and ambitions (sound like TK earlier this week? then me and a dozen others?) life is still good. We're lucky to live in rich, free countries where we can pretty much do or be who we want. (Do who we want...HAHAHA! I meant do what we want), speak our opinions (even if no one listens) and all the other entitlements that we take for granted every day (such as sneaking into fairs). I have my health with I feel grateful and blessed for every day. Working at the hospital, I see so many who struggle with health issues all the time. And you know, I like being a girl. Guys are wonderful and great to look at (as confirmed in your previous post) but girls ROCK! Wow, I sort of got off on a tangent there. Sorry about that. It's not even 7am and I'm only half way through my cup of coffee. Maybe it's residual dream thoughts. Anyway, I love the photo, thanks for sharing. Happy Saturday and have a great weekend!
Great post and photo!!! Cheer up little one...it's fair day. Wow, did we love those as kids, magic.
Huggs, G
That is a wonderful photo. Kids are so magical...no matter what's going on in their little lives, they always brighten up an adults life. I think we need them more than they need us!
I agree with carrie...boys are OK, but girls rock!
that's a great pic.. lol at the other noters here because that's what I thought too..
you are so eloquent....& SNEEKY! how are you gettin' in? life is good ~ no matter the expression! :o)
wow I like that pic alot too.. YAY for sneaking in to fairs :)
Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!
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