So I find books at work from time to time and last night I found this---->
Do you not love the cover?!
I checked out some of Ms. Piccolo's stuff at this Web site:
She's got quite the sense of humor, to be sure...

My oldest sister was in the hospital this past weekend... in a nutshell, not taking good care of herself, she had to get a blood transfusion. She's gonna be OK, we are hopeful, but it was yet another blow to an already difficult month in my crazy world! "itsalwayssomething" (that's a Rick Springfield tune from the CD "Karma" by the way). And i am so not a groupie. OK, OK, so maybe i am. (Or was.)
So Father's Day for my dad will wait for when my sister's back to 100 percent.
I spent some of the day with Peter and his parents, celebrating Father's Day at my fave (and his mom's fave) restaurant "SIPZ" and where i had this great vegan chow mein with "ham" that was outrageously tasty. Here's a photo our waiter took when we were finished:

tee hee...very cute!
I love it!
great cartoons and nice family portrait!
It has really been a difficult month for you. I am glad to hear that your sister will be okay. You are incredible, how you just keep going.
Sorry you hear about your sister but glad to hear she'll be alright.
Cute cartoons. It's great to be able to crack a smile when things get tough
HA!! I haven't seen Judas Priest's Breakin' The Law in years. It's so cheesy now. I love it!
Whew! Good news about your sister. I have 3 sisters, one that I'm incredibly close to. She was sick for a while - scared me! But she's good now.
Nice pic for Father's Day. Good that you could spend it with your friend's dad. Looks like you were all having a great time.
THANK YOU FOR THE 80'S! It's like being back in high school. Did you see Bryan Adams AND George Michael both on the list? I'm going to watch 99 Luftballons now. Talk to you soon!
chow mein + veggie ham.. sounds punk rock!!
That's a fabulous picture of the four of you. I hope your sister receovers soon and starts taking better care of herself. I have a cousin like that. He has sickle cell anemia and refuses to do something simple as drink water. *sighs*. He goes into the hospital to get rehydrated.
You find the most interesting Veggie cartoons! I love them.
funny cartoons !
get well wishes for your sister !
lovely father's day picture. you're very blessed.
whata happy family photo! hope sis is back to 100% very soon. those cartoons are very funny ~ keep the funnies comin'!
aww...look how sweet his dad looks! (I love old men!) : )
chowmein and fake ham. DAMN that sounds tasty. tink i'll go to LaBou for lunch and get their asian noodle salad.
what is taht book? i'll have to check it out...
i checked out the artful vegan at the library. it's a veggie restaurant in SF. it looks WAY hard but gorgeous...
Those are cute comics. Glad your sis is ok. It's so maddening when people you care about don't take care of themselves! But I should talk, everyone wanted me to quite smoking for years before I did.
oh, that's adorable. :)
Love the photo, Kleopatra!
And I'm sorry to hear about your sister. I hope she's much better soon.
The cover of the book is too CUTE!
Oh - and I almost forgot to comment on the chow mein. YUMMY!!! There's a place in Toronto with really wicked vegan chow mein - with "ham" and "shrimp".
Those cartoons are great..
I'm sorry your month has been so rough.. I hope your sister recovers nice and fast..
Lovely picture!
What a great picture at the restaurant. I was so sad to hear about your sister. I hope she gets better really soon. ((HUGS)) to you!
I love the cartoons. :) And the pic of you and your friend and his family. :)
Hope your sister is better very soon.
I answered your questions on my blog. Thanks for coming by and commenting. :)
The cartoon didn't load for me the first time so I didn't get to read. I am glad I came back because it is sooo funny. Thanks for the great cartoon.
That Peter's sorta yummy. What's his story?
(Wow. I think I've uttered those same words once at a party. I was kinda drunk.)
Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.
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