I don't read 'em as much as I used to, but sometimes they're right on.
Above is an old Dilbert 'toon I found recently that I thought I'd share...
Me: Proud vegetarian/almost vegan. Animal lover. Passionate about life and living well. Working journalist. Jewlicious but open-minded. Wannabe athlete. Trying to get by in this world. Thanks for visiting, do make yourself at home.
Me: Proud vegetarian/almost vegan. Animal lover. Passionate about life and living well. Working journalist. Jewlicious but open-minded. Wannabe athlete. Trying to get by in this world. Thanks for visiting, do make yourself at home.
I love Dilbert. I think I'll copy that and send it to a few people.
Thanks for that. After a long, busy, tiring day (I now feel double my 42 years), I needed a smile before heading to bed.
Goodnight and I'll catch up with you again tomorrow (before the hockey game. Everyone here is talking about it).
You know you're in Canada when breaking international news is on page 3 of the newspaper - hockey covers pages 1 & 2 and at least 10 more in the actual sports section. :o)
Have a great Monday!
That's hilarious! How is it that people go on thinking vegetarians eat things that are living, sentient beings?
that's really good ;)
love it.
i think that is so funny when people ask me "do you eat fish then?"
last i checked i'm not growing fish in my garden.
Love it. I think I'll save that one on my screen saver.
I remember seeing that one. I love Dilbert. I work in a Dilbert office (different industry, same shtuff).
I think the fish question is so common because while Catholics don't eat meat on Fridays during Lent, they can eat fish, and so many many people do not think fish is meat.
Thanks for posting the comic. :)
Cute I LOOOVe comics! I also do not read them as much I used to (I almost do not read them anymore actually, which is sad), my favourite is Get Fuzzy, which also has a few super cool veggie posts!
but you eat chicken, right?
this is sooooo funnyy!!
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