I have tried to get her to enjoy Buddy Biscuits and Mr. Pugsley's and Mr. Barkley's (vegetarian) to no avail... she's kinda picky...
Ummmm... some of y'all know, this pisces chick here's been having some troubles of a personal nature but i've been doing my best to deal and take care of me, myself 'n' i. Thanks for all the support. I feel it... I am doing what i can to stay busy, occupied, out of trouble, and far, far out of sadness's way!
As a part of distracting myself, Tuesday evening i went to the "San Diego Fair," of which i used to be a huge fan. Now, unfortunate but true, i take issue with that scene because of animals there... mostly doing the unthinkable and heartbreaking-est stuff... "living" in makeshift pens, the local urban 4-H'ers having "raised" them to sell them... plus the pathetic "pony rides" where they just go in circles all day and night... and it's held at the Del Mar Racetrack- and horse racing is one of my pet peeves (no pun intended!) and there's "meat" sold, and goldfish given as "prizes"... all the problems associated with fairs and animals, etc. Depressing.
However, i was able to sneak into the fair (who said i was a saint?! HA!), therefore not aiding financially the fair :o) so that was kind of bad (illegal) but good in a sense of showing my non-support of what they do there.
Truth be known, I went to go hear Rick Springfield in concert. Yes, he's still touring after all these years, with some talented musicians and his cute wife, Barb, and sometimes their two sons and his dog, Gomer. (He's always been a huge dog lover, one of the reasons i dig him.)
Well, the deal is this: I used to be a huge fan, and no, not when he was in his "General Hospital" heyday of the 1980s (and I hear he's back on that soap opera again now!). I was a regular concert-goer for RS about six, seven years ago when his really nifty CD called "Karma" came out. It's one of his best...
*OK, you really can stop laughing now!*
Ol' Ricky was teetering on vegetarianism at that time as i recall, though i think he's no longer veg (bummer). He did date Linda Blair for a time years and years ago, however, and she's currently quite the wonderful animal activist...

Awww... reunited a few years back!
Of course, Murphy's Law again, my digital camera ran out of juice so i have no photographs to show for the night, but a friend e-mailed me some and i'll post 'em as soon as i can. I'm sure you're all dying to see them. (Now i'm laughing!)
I did have my cell phone and was able to call and have two far-away pals listen to the concert, which was not quite as good as having them there with me but very fun just the same.
The concert was fantastic... I'll spare you all the details, but it was much more than "Jessie's Girl." Rick and his band do a bang-up job singing a version of the old and beautiful 1980s tune by The Dream Academy, "Life in a Northern Town" and also it was fun hearing a new song of his, "Jesus Saves (White Trash)."
I also snuck backstage with some of the "groupies" (believe it, he's like 55 years old and still looks gorgeous - and does "get the girls") and i was able to say hello and talk a little bit and get a nice big ol' hug from him. I have met him several times (again, like seven years ago) but you can be sure he doesn't know who the heck i am...
I can't tell you how much fun it was in words but i can tell you how desperately i needed to kinda cut loose. And i did i did i did i did i did i did...
Also was entertained by a hypnotism show there by my buddy, hypnotist and all-around good guy Mark Yuzuik http://www.greatfun.com/ which was fantastic. I got a chance to talk to him before his show and get caught up on things in his world, and that was fabulous.
Funny (?!), neither he nor Rick mentioned the shirt i wore (on purpose) to the fair:
"Vegetarians taste better"
Heh. Gotta promote the cause, kids!
After writing two stories all day today, i went and saw a movie with a friend of mine tonight, "The Break Up" with Jennifer Aniston and Vince Vaughn.
Heh. Ironic title for the moment...
Anyway it was a mighty good flick!!
I recommend it, to be sure.
After the movie, we grabbed grub at an Asian restaurant called "San Sei." I ordered Vegetarian Rolls, which are actually vegan, and a side order of steamed, salted edamame. Yum.
And to all a good night, good day, good week, good month, good year...
"Vegetarians taste better"
HA! That's an awesome shirt. If I were a vegetarian, I would wear that shirt. But I recently did buy a shirt that says, "Procrastinators: Leaders of Tomorrow."
Wow, what a trip. :) I used to love RS. I almost got to see him in concert back in the early 80s, but my mother decided I was too young (about 13?) to go to a concert with the people who were going (I guess she didnt' trust them...or me?)
I hope whatever is wrong starts getting better. I'll send positive vibes your way.
Thanks for the comments on my blog :)
Sounds like a fun night.. I used to have a huge crush on him... and I mean HUGE!
lol @ the white trash song..
KleoPatra, you've been busy too. What is it with this week? Everyone's got so much going on. Anyhow, hope your spirits are lifting and things are getting better. Sometimes ya' gotta' just cut loose and go crazy. Glad you did!
I won't be making fun of you for liking Rick Springfield. Some of my favorites would be the brunt of jokes from lots of others. My husband thinks I'm nuts because I like George Michael. I just really like his music. Have since the WHAM! days. I also adore Bryan Adams. Saw him in concert when he was touring as an opening act to promote his very first album - and many more times since then. I still think he's a cutie. And he's veg! Bonus!
Thanks for the comment you left me. I'm trying to get a post up today, but blogger won't let me upload my photos, so I'll keep trying. This has happened to me a few times before. Eventually, something new will be there.
Have a fantastic day! And keep your chin up.
i have a few of thsoe shirts too. my license plate frame says
"Meats no treat
for those you eat!"
from peta, i know but who cares...i spread the word everytime i drive!
i used to love RS too and yes from GH which i ALOS loved.
we were supposed to go see the break up tnoight but i guess we're not. bummer. i heard it was pretty dark but good. my girlfriend who's going through abreak up after 6 years thoughts it was cathartic. (is that the right word)
i'm glad you're diong your very best to take care of yourself. tha'ts important Kleo...
I own a "Vegetarians taste better" shirt, and wear it with pride! Tee hee, it's fun.
Sorry to hear that you've been going through a rough patch - my thoughts are with you. Sounds like you're doing really interesting things around the city, though.
And as for the fake "pigs ears" - even if it's not vegan/vegetarian, that's great that there's an alternative out there!
I've been really wanting to have a pet, but finding vegan pet-food in my city is remarkably challenging. Particularly for cats.
I gotta get me a shirt like that. Sounds like you had a nice evening and that you are taking care of yourself. Sorry to hear of the troubles.
sounds like an awesome night! don't know what's goin' on, but i'm so glad that you could cut loose ~ & get a hug from Dr. Noah Drake! yes, i remember & that can only help a girl. San Sei?! on mission blvd?! we lived not far from there (on the corner of law & mission) we ate @ san sui alll the time. & i want a shirt like yours ~ but i wouldn't let you slide past w/o a comment! lol!!
wow, that's hilarious and awesome! groupie! :)
hey tats the Linda Blair from Exorcist!!!! .. shes an animal activist!!! yayyy!!!!
I have the Praise Seitan tee.. with the flamin red pentagon.. I've got a few angry looks till date for that.. and the other I have is "Hunters hunt each other.. Leave the animals alone".. I got a few peeved looks at that one too!!
I love edamame. I get it out and make it at home. You are so cute- when I was younger I used to go meet bands. I was into heavy metal. It was fun! We have a fair here for a week and I can't stomach the caged animals and food- horrible pony rides...
That sounds like a blast!
I have two pooches, one will eat ANYTHING and loves Mr. Barkey and Mrs. Pugsley's treats. The other is extremely picky and will only eat them so that the first dog can't. If she's alone she'll just drop them out of her mouth.
She does, however, LOVE the peanut butter "pigs ears." They're not vegan, but she goes crazy over them.
I have a recipe for make-your-own dog treats that she goes crazy over, too. If I find it I'll post it on my blog...
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