<---- I'm thinkin' of getting some of these cards from them...
And I'm gonna try to remember to use "Good Search" with places like Farm Sanctuary in mind when searching for stuff on the 'net: http://www.goodsearch.com/
Today's "charity of the day" there is Animal Protection Institute, another fantastic, caring place... http://www.api4animals.org/
Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Anyone traveling this summer? Do you find places that are veg-friendly before you go or do you just hope for the best? I have always done a little of both... nice to be surprised but best to be prepared!
Last summer, my pal Peter and I went to a bunch o'places up and down the coast of California. We stopped off in Santa Cruz and we chowed down at Saturn Cafe... http://www.saturncafe.com/ The Web site is supposedly being worked on, so hope soon it will be up and running.
It was such a fun and freeing place to eat. Tons of vegan options, lots of good people-watching opportunities, a super cool working staff. And dare i say the food was incredible. And it had such a healthy, happy vibe. Any buddy else been there? I want to go back this summer!!!
We were joined by two sweet aliens, too:
Next time you're in Santa Cruz, you should go to Dharma's in Capitola (sounds contradictory, but it's about 2 miles away). They use locel organic veggies and are all vegetarian with about 90% vegan or vegan-able. I love it there. =)
Have you ever been to the Farm Sanctuary KleoPatra? There is one in upstate NY, but I think it's still quite a drive from here. I thought it would be a nice weekend trip. Go the the Farm, then drive on to Ithaca and eat at Moosewood. That would be a planned trip. Usually, I just hope for the best. Because I will still eat dairy, it's a bit easier. If you venture, take your camera and post your meals!
BTW, your friend is a hottie!
travelling in summer.. never ever go to Las Vegas.. I went there last summer for 3 days and almost starved for 3 days... not a single complete vegetarian place to eat at.. though I must say if u go with omnis on a trip it can get extra annoying!! in btw, seattle is extra extra vegan friendly!! loads of vegan places.. and the city is so geared up for veganism.. now a lot of ppl dont like the weather there, but I love rains.. and so consequently i love seattle..
kleo: is saturn cafe completely vegetarian?? or it does sell meat or something?
hahah Joined by two sweet aliens eh?
I made a trip up the coast in january. Hmm now i want to do it again stopping at veg places on the way.. How great would that be?
you have a great weekend too!
Seatle and Portland are supposed to be very veg friendly. BTW, love those cards. I could use them where I live. Though the Central Coast is beautiful, it is still a bit ag and meat and potatoes.
i love farm sanctuary--what a great organization.
The story of this birdie is sooo cute. We all tend to forget the same disabilities affecting us humans are experienced by animals as well. Recently I saw a doc starring a cat whose back legs were paralized by birth: amazingly he could still move around the house, jump, play with others. I find both stories really really touching.
About travelling, if you were considering crossing the northern norder, Toronto is very vegan friendly: I lived there for some time and I miss dearly all the excellent restaurants!
You guys are too cute! I have never been to the West coast. Only up and down the East coast. I need to start making travel plans...
What a great story about Jeremiah the blind goose. That's why I love visiting Farm Sanctuary.
to desirée:
I will do that for sure! It doesn't sound contradictory what you write. I know Capitola, well i know *OF* it. Never been there, now I have a reason! Thank you for the head's up. I wish I had known about it when I was there last time but I'll for sure keep it in mind and I'll get there this summer, I hope!
to Carrie:
No, I haven't been to the Farm Sanctuary... YET! There's one in California that I need to get to. For sure I want to visit the one in Watkins Glen, N.Y., somewhere in my lifetime. If you ever go there or plan to, please please let me know. I would love for you to get there. I know VeganDoc's been there and so have some others who visit my blog. Luckies!!! Thanx for the sweet note about my pal. I told him what you wrote and he's flattered!!! (And yeah, he is cute! :o) I have to concur. If he saw you, he'd surely return the compliment!)
to mc seitan:
Eyew, i won't go to Vegas for any reason that i can think of. One of my best buds is getting married there in July and i wish he wasn't going to get married there in July... *sigh* I had such problems with finding things to eat there! The buffets had stuff but it was very expensive and there was too many distractions (i.e. meat, cheese, etc.) to contend with. Just a big headache. And i won't even get into the bright lights, big city, noise, traffic, materialism, etc., that make it impossible for me to enjoy whatever is on the Strip. I will say that the outlying areas of Vegas can be decent, and some of the vistas are truly beautiful.
to funwithyourfood:
Teddy, you know it would ROCK! There's so much to see once you get past Los Angeles... The aliens were perfect gentlemen (women? neither?). They stayed on the wall the entire time we ate. They stared and that was unnerving at first but we got used to it...
to Cindy:
Been to those NW cities and they ARE veg-friendly. Seattle is superfantastic. There were restaurants galore that had strictly vegan menus. I was pleasantly surprised. I didn't spend any time in Portland, but that's where the famously fantastic "Food Fight" is, i believe... and someday i want to go there and spend time (and money!) enjoying that store. So up my alley. I think those Veg cards are such a great idea. I wonder if the restaurant "honks" would give them the time of day... it's worth trying, I feel.
to urban vegan:
Absolutely. I wish wish wish there were more places like it in this crazy, mixed-up world...
to t.:
I agree about the story of the birdie and you are so right about forgetting that other creatures suffer many of the same ailments and troubles as do we. I love hearing stories about animals (and people as well!) who survive difficult life situations and survive --- and thrive!
That story about the cat you wrote about is touching. And thanx for letting me know about Toronto. I have heard good things about Canada... Carrie and Megan, who kindly visit this blog, are up yonder, and I imagine they could share great stories with you about the restaurants and so on... Someday I hope to get there as well.
to Karen:
If you and Penny ever come west, you know how to find me 'n' Mattie! Travel is good for the spirit. It's expensive, but it's worth it...
to VeganDoc:
I know!!! SUCH a great story. And Farm Sanctuary rocks my world! They are so "in it" for the RIGHT reasons... I'm so glad you have visited them... Wonderful!
i volunteer at teh Farm Sanctuary in Orland once in a while.
last year i did the feed the turkeys and loretta swit was ther. a speaker from Viva said soething that made me ball and i had to leave. so i just went and hung out with the animals. that was nice.
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