Anyway... today I came across this link:
and this link:
regarding this book:

Sounds like it might be good.
I'm thinkin' it's just covering the USA.
I would hope it includes Canada, but...
Evidently, it's an
updated version of
this book written in
1998 by someone else:

(which i never knew existed...)
But it certainly does make me wonder:
Why didn't i think of that?!
And i call myself a writer!
And courtesy of Super Vegan, from Compassion over Killing,
I want to share, as they do, how to eat vegan on a budget!
Or, in other words, how to eat well and stay veganized, for
peeps w/out a lotta extra ca$h (ummm... like for poor starving
writers such as myself... but i hope not including YOU!):
Finally, did anyone watch MTV videos "back in the day"?
Well, I did! Here's a cool trip down memory lane...
and more (some are the same) here:
'the travelers' guide to healthy eating' whata concept! wonder if it's veggie? or just healthy? i always like your links, kleo. :)
I own a couple of kerouac books. I really enjoy them. You should pick it up again! There's also a spin off of Kerouac's book Dharma Bums. It's called Dharma Punks. I liked that one a lot too. It's about a mixed up kid finding himself while in the punk scene. Let me know if you read any of them :)
this is off topic but have u seen the Silk Soymilk ad on TV?? cows drinking soymilk and being eternally happy?? heheh.. sooo funny
I love the links.. especially the frugal vegan stuff...
Share-A-Pet was started by my husband's best friend. His brother suffered a horrific head injury at the age of 15 and has been in and out of hospitals/nursings homes for the last 20 he's spent a lot of time in them and saw so many people all alone.. so when he got a dog he started doing this and it grew into a business. He's in Florida, but he's starting one in New Hampshire (Where I live).. they are in desperate need of corporate donations and volunteers..
love the 80's.
if only i knew then what i know life would be different.
for one, i'd be married to Bill Gates : )
have to check out links now...
80s stuff, oh my. Memories, all right. Including high school, so not all of them good. ;) I was an MTV junkie for a couple of years back then, though.
Good links. Especially like the Vegan on a Budget. I already do most of what it said, tho. ;)
I've never read Kerouac. It's on my list. Someday I'm going to get around to a lot of things that are on my list. ::sigh::
Hmm, we have that book lying around our house, maybe I'll check it out.
I live about 40 minutes from the Goldbecks, and I actually went to see Nikki last week, just to make sure I was getting all the nutrients I need, which, by the way, I am. :)
I picked up the Tofu Tollbooth about two years ago at a library sale, but I never travel so I haven't really looked at it yet.
And thanks for the video links, I'm totally going to check them out.
I meant we have the Jack Kerouac book lying around.
Also, the Goldbecks have lots of books they publish, but I really like one of their cookbooks, The Healthiest Diet In The World. I haven't made lots of stuff from it, but most of the recipes are really easy to make and yummy.
Healthy Highways sounds intriguing! Maybe I'll check that out next time I'm moving across the country.
Great books. Resources for eating out are always a great thing.
Nice blog you have here. I am ALL ABOUT being frugal or at least trying to learn and still maintain a vegan diet. Great link!!
MTV brings back so many memories!!!
I'm gonna link to this later. The best!
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