Peter looks tiny on this rock at Patrick's Point!

He's microscopic here. The rocks were gigantic!

A bunch of seals were hangin' out on the rocks!
I really thought this one was lookin' up at us...

Agate Beach at Patrick's Point, just down the road
and down a huge set of stairs from where we were
camping. I felt even more giddy than i look here.

That's Agate Beach behind us. We camped just a
short distance away from where we took this pic.
Oy, our heads look sooper huge! Too funny!
This looks like a cool site, "The Vegan News"
Curious as to what this "vegan health study" is all
about... if it's still going on... at $750, i can't do it!
Good nooz from the school lunch world.
(Note: There is a difference between a vegetarian and a veterinarian!)
Love the last quote of the story from the first-grader... pretty cool.
Behold the vegetarian crocodile!
May your weekend be filled with good times & love.
Any plans for you? I'll be working, but also visiting
blogs to see what you're up to. :o)
You two are such a gorgeous couple. Kleo, you are the cutest, giddiest girl ever! lol!!
I'm in love with the seals. They look pretty happy there!
Thanks for the links. I saved the veg news one and laughed at the vegetarian croc! :P
Don't work too hard this weekend!!
Hi Kleo! Thanks for sharing so many of your vacation photos with us. I enjoyed the ones from the farmer's market and LOVED the ones you posted today.
Two great stories by the way. I can't get over the crocodile. That's pretty neat. Although neither is as exciting as Journey/Def Leppard!!
I was supposed to be off work tomorrow and originally Sunday, but then got roped into working Sunday. Now, everyone over there is sick, so I have to work tomorrow too. GRRR!! 3 weeks until my vacation. I think I can make it. I think I can, I think I can.
Once you have dates nailed down for Toronto, let me know!
Have a good one.
Where do you come up with all of these interesting links? The school lunches sound like they're moving in the right direction. I was always appaled at what some districts felt it was ok to serve the children. Vegnaism aside, fried and fatty foods are not brain food. Liking the vegetarian croc.
Thanks for sharing more pics. I'm so glad you had a wonderful time.
Wow, fabulous photos and a good point too...we are all so tiny in the big picture, aren't we. I agree with Candi, you two are a gorgeous couple!!!
That must have been such a wonderful camping experience.. wow!
You two look so happy..
Love the "big head" picture.. self portraits are the funnest! you two are so cute.. and camping is always wonderful isn't it.. what a very lucky girl you are!
thanks for adding my link ..
Thanks for sharing thouse wonderful pictures and also the links! I've never been there but want to go afer seeing this!
May your weekend be filled with good times & love too:-)
Wow... Patrick's Point looks sooo amazing! Those are gorgeous pictures. Enjoy YOUR weekend (even though you're working--hopefully you're covering something fun & exciting).
Kleopatra, sounds like a wonderful trip! Those rocks are incredible!
I just got back from Wyoming, and I'd LOVE to go back when I'm not working . . . !!
Three cheers for travelling!
I am SOOOO glad it looks like you are having such great days in those pictures! You truly deserve the best from life, for all the love you pour into it!
On another note, the vegan health study you mention has that price only if you want to have a detailed anamnesys of your own body. For the rest, it is actually a pretty serious scientific studies on veganism that should be promoted as much as possible: it is a pretty in deep questionnaire investigating vegan eating habits and diets. The preliminary 2005 initial review of the data is very interesting!
I love reading your site. Always such a breath of fresh air. Keep it up! :-)
You are so adventurous!! That's very exciting! You all look beautiful together!
Love the camping pictures, especially the seals. How neat to see them in the wild, as they were intended to live, instead of in a zoo.
Wow, your pics from your vacation are beautiful. I just love the pic with the seals. Look at how cute those seals are! I've never seen a seal in person outside of captivity (the zoo and Sea World). That is a fantastic picture of you on the rocks at Agate Beach! You look so happy :) That's a great article from the Washington Post. I'm with you on that last quote from the first grader...How cool she is pro-vegetable :)
I read about the vegan croc on VP.. and I was soo happyy.. hehe.. its like I'm planning to visit kerala this year and I was like maybe I can meetup with the VeganCroc ;-)
The pics look great!
Thanks for the school lunch link!
wow, kleo -- it looks like such a wonderful vacation. great times, i can tell. i need more time to absorb it!
beautiful !! i'm so jelly !
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