Please do check out his recent letter/clarification to The Hamilton Spectator on the link or read below:
By Dan Piraro, Brooklyn, N.Y.
The Hamilton Spectator (Aug 1, 2006)
Re: 'City woman conquers Death Valley again'
(The Spectator, July 27)
In your coverage of Scott Jurek, seven-time winner of the Western States marathon and two-time winner of the Badwater Ultramarathon, there was no mention that Jurek is a vegan.
This is important because a vegan diet is a more natural, healthy diet for humans than an omnivorous one and Jurek is proof that even world-class athletes don't need animal protein to compete.
With obesity and other weight-related diseases at epidemic proportions among Americans, the benefits of a vegan diet is important news for everyone.

If you have time, check out <-----Dan's Web site,
and be sure to visit the animal & vegan 'toons:
And if you still have time and are so inclined, this is the show he appeared on earlier this year for Vegan Radio:
I am so grateful for folks who think compassionately, act locally and globally, and feel passionately like most veg*ns do ... people who speak out on behalf of/help give a voice to animals ... people who as often as possible "do the right thing"... people like Dan Piraro!
And speaking of (errrr... writing of!) locally, please take a minute to read about this veterinarian with a HUGE heart. When In Defense of Animals honours you, it is a grand thing indeed!
This is barely related to your post, but I love goats! They are so cute and smart and funny.
hahah nuggets!
Dan rocks...I love his cartoons!
Great cartoons. The quotes on his site are also really good. There were so new ones that I have not seen before.
The Hamilton Spectator?! I can see Hamilton from my window. Love the cartoons and the site. Thank you for the link.
(I wonder if Bryan knows about it?) :o)
Thanks for the nice comments on my blog...yours is great! I love the cartoons.
Those cartoons are the BEST! BTW: ARt ate @ SipZ tonight! Smoothie, Sweet & Sour Chicken (like before), and BBQ Chicken to-go. I'm pretty certain that we will not be able to go to SD w/o visiting there... Thanks for that!
Really enjoyed the `Vegan Humour'. Am still working on my bit to convert the world to vegan. Vegans tread much more lightly on our planet, with best wishes, The Artist.
I am not vegan but the cartoon was cute :-)
Thanks for the laughs, as usual, and good article as well!
Great cartoons as always Kleo :) That is surprising the newspaper didn't mention Jurek was a vegan. Glad Dan Piraro brought it to their attention. Thanks for posting the IDA link. Big props to Dr. McCoy.
As always, love the cartons!
Great cartoon and post....the times they are a changin' aren't they? Too slowly, but still surely.
Thanks for stopping by Veggies...wow, Can.Post did not fail me this time LOL...
Huggs, G
Wow, that Bizarro link is cool. I had no idea he was vegan, but then I see that it is a fairly recent thing for him. I always liked that comic.
good work K...good work.
Wow, thanks for the great links! I had no idea Piraro was a Vegan and animal rights advocate. I especially enjoyed his quotes and his “Are Human’s Carnivores?” pages. I’m going to add him to my MySpace friends.
Just wanted to say that I really like your blog. I've been surfin' around on your links and whatnot all afternoon! :)
I've been eating a vegan diet for about a month now and I'm really suprised that it has not been too hard. There are so many yummy soy products and whatnot. I've even found some great vegan restaurants in my neighborhood. I love sitting back after devouring a plate of falafel and hummus and realizing that no animals suffered for my full tummy.
Thanks for keeping up this great blog. I'll be comin' around more often.
I think it's so important to highlight Scott Jurek's diet. For a long time I admired the ethics of veganism, but I didn't believe that I could fuel an athletic lifestyle on a plant-based diet (because I had been effectively brainwashed by the meat and dairy industries -- a.k.a. the FDA). Once I saw what athletes like Jurek and Brendan Brazier could achieve as vegans, however, I was swayed. And now my fears seem totally irrational!!! I wish we could give him a vegan sponsorship so he would cross that finish line every year with VEGAN written all over him. He's such a great role model.
Dan Piraro. Oh if the world could have more like him!
Absolutely AGREE!!! every time I read his cartoons.. I'm like yesss... I can so totally identify!!
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