Kung Food's "express" cafe' ( http://www.kung-food.com/ ), which i'd been Jonesin' for since the weekend as it is right next to Balboa Park, where i spent much of Saturday and Sunday with Peter 'n' Heidi 'n' Mattie ("oh my!").
Today i again found myself at Balboa Park for a few hours (with Mat), meeting my dad, my mom, her baby bro (my uncle) and one of my nieces, who's visiting from England. As i waited for the mishpacha to arrive, i meandered over to Kung Food.
They're a little pricey and i'm a poor journalist, so i don't go there often. However, i was hungry so i walked through the drive-thru (what a rebel) today instead of their in-restaurant cafe' and ordered the vegan swiss cheez 'n' mushroom burger. It was ready in about 5 minutes and it was oh-so-good. Got a day-old apple cupcake for $1 that made my taste buds tingle. I hardly shared with the Matster...
Classic Bizarro! Dan Piraro cranks out another winner.
I know i've been on a Dan Piraro bend of late but humour me once again, please, as i simply must report on the Bizarro 'toon today (8 Aug.). If you have access to it, please check it out! I can't find the actual comic to post it here, but i'll describe it best as i can.
The cartoon's got a young gal working behind a food counter (like at a do-it-yourself salad bar) and a man with a plate on a tray grabbing a chunk of food with a pair of tongs.
The man says to the lady, "How's the chicken tonight?"
She replies, "Happy and healthy. That's seitan."

everytime i try to walk thru a drive thru i get told to go away
lucky! that's like a dream of mine ;)
Love the cartoon! Too funny!
I wish there was a vegan restaurant here :(
yes, yes, yes, i thought of you today as i read the comics! bizarro that i made seitan yesterday. and also the day before was equally on:
dad stubs his toe on kid's toy & says: "Too many toys and not a single thought for the consequences! This is exactly what Al Gore's film is about, young man!
love the joy ride photos. ears flying in the wind.
Made me feel hungry reading your blog.
Your burger sounded so delic.
Love the carton too, what a noble cat,
best wishes, The Artist
"Every buddy was Kung Food fighting"
LOL! Great title! I wish we had a fast food place here in Seattle! I would like one with healthy wraps and fresh produce too! :P
How neat that place has a drive through window or walk-up in your case :) A vegan swiss cheeze and mushroom burger? That sounds fab! That was a great Bizarro cartoon yesterday. Love it!
Wow, that sounds like a fun little restaurant. I need one here--been a long time since I walked through a drive-through!
How awesome is this title to your entry?
Lovely place...I bet I would enjoy it.
I love those VeggieHead Cards with the characters on them.
That's so neat - a walk through! And fast food vegan goodies is great. That's California for you huh?
I am veggie proud too! Love it, love it, love it! I'd fight for some king fu at a place like that.
I am oh so jealous of all of you that actually have a selection of restaurants that you can go to and get vegan food. There is one vegan restaurant in all of San Luis Obispo County and every time I have tried to go there they are closed. They are attached to a health food store so I think they are only open traditional hours. We tried to go at 6:30pm on a Friday and again on a Sunday afternoon, but no luck.
im a vegetarian too!!
funny title!
Great post! Mmmmm, veggie burger...
I just had my first seitan dish (how the heck do you pronounce that word, btw?) at the this little place called th Vegan Express last weekend. It's in North Hollywood. They make this amazing yellow curry with it. Yum!
Darn, now I'm hungry. :)
I love bad puns, as you know from my "Top 10" Post. Wish we had a Kung Food.
I can never get enough Dan P. That was classic.
i like both.
san diego is so nice...always great weather, balboa park, scuba diving, good eats everywhere, amazling journalists...you've GOT IT ALL Kaaaleo!
meesh, i know vegan express! good stuff. also in north hollywood is leonore's -- you gotta look it up, she has amazing vegan food.
mmm...great sounding burger. What a cute restaurant.
how cool that you have an organic "fast food" place. sounds yummy!
very very very nice cartoon!!! totally love it..
Kung Food restaurant seems punk rock!!
CA is so great with all choices of veggie restuarants!.
That seitan cartoon is funny. I thought of you/it today when I saw a restaurant billboard on the highway.
What a cute little cafe... I want my own cute little cafe.
apple cupcake sounds good!
I wasn't familiar with the Bizarro comics. They are awesome! Thanks for turning me on to them. Oh, and Kung Food's menu looks great. I wish we had a vegan place in Syracuse :-(
Thanks Kleo. Now I have that wretched song running through my head. "Everybody was kung-fu fighting, dodododododododo" Aaaahhh!! Make it stop!
I am so envious. First of all, of all the people who have veg*n restaruants close to them. And...of you for having a vegan drive-thru!! That is so kick-ass awesome I can't begin to express how excited I would be if there was one here. Wow! And they're open pretty late.
LOL!!! kleo, saw your post on megan the vegan that you are coming to Toronto in October. We should hook up!
Oh, Oh, Oh - where is this vegan drive-thru? And do they have vegan chicken nuggets?
I loved San Francisco by the way! It got a bit too cold at night for me delicate bones, but loved it nonetheless!;-)
That's so funny! I was trying to picture someone's face as they hear of the word seitan the first time and how confused they are with what it is! :)
The restaurant sounds so good!
That's so funny! I was trying to picture someone's face as they hear of the word seitan the first time and how confused they are with what it is! :)
The restaurant sounds so good!
Lol! Seitan *does* sounds strange when you've never heard it before! It took me awhile to try it, now I love it! I try to make it myself, but I see most people buy the White Wave kind, which is probably much better than my version! :P
lol- Great post title! It's in my head now too- Carrie!! It must have been funny walking through the drive through. Now that's good for the environment! Your food sounded great and I would have trouble sharing with Penny too!
I made some seitan tonight for dinner with onions and peppers and served it with black beans and rice. My omni brother tasted it and said- "that's pretty good- can I have some..." Good thing I don't mind sharing :) Have a wonderful weekend Kleo!!
I so wish I owned Kung Food. I checked out their website and applaud them for their animal and environmentally friendly ways. The title to your post is hysterical. You should tell the owners so they can use it as their slogan. Unfortunately, I'm now going to have that darn song stuck in my head for at least a week. You are so lucky you have such a great selection of vegan eateries to choose from. We have zero here. :(
I would TRY the vegan mushroom/swiss, but I prefer the real thing.... :-)
I love Bizarro and keep all his cartoons on my hard drive and love it if I find a new one.
Who did the veggie graphic you have got today ? I am adding it to my collection as it's so cute.
I so wish there was vegan anything around this place!! I love the little cartoons you post!
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