Thursday, March 22, 2007

Stuff 'n' more stuff

In yesterday's "snail mail" above...
Vicki sent me a sweet little note and a super Pisces magnet...
Awwww!! That made my day, fer realz!

Some leftover photos from my trip up the coast, above & below.
Above, Peter and i stopped off in Dana Point and i scored
this photograph of him in front of a doggie wash...

Inline skating (taking a break, above) in scenic Newport Beach.

Oh, um... Hello! Watch me fall now...

Nah, i didn't fall. We caught a nice sunset though.

Below shows the flat screen TV in our hotel room where we stayed (pretty much right on the beach, it was such a treat!) with one station showing a 24-hour live feed of what was goin' on right outside our window. It was ... really weird!!


Bought these yesterday at COSTCO. $10 for 14 patties.
They're vegan and VERY good! Not 'meaty' just very veggie...
Not much info available on the internet on these guys,
but they are soooooo good. Haven't seem 'em anywhere else.

Here's a closer view of 'em, chock full of grains,
sunflower seeds, carrots & other delish vegetables...

They're excellent. I wish i could make 'em myself!!
Don Lee Farms, out of Inglewood (near Los Angeles)...
They make all sorts of animal products, so i am a little
hesitant to send you to their Web site... but here it is:
Peeps talkin' about 'em last year on the "Veggie Boards" :
And i'm so sad, i found this site and it's not updated anymore!


pinknest said...

i would've fallen. i can't inline skate. and i love getting fun things in the mail. seems so fare now!

Theresa said...

Those veggie patties look really nice--I don't like meaty patties, they squick me out. Hooray for pisces magnets, and hooray for water signs! We are the bomb-diggity (I'm a scorpio).

Carrie™ said...

Again, lovely pictures of California! We were above freezing all day today. Woo-Hoo! Where would you rather be? Ummm, me too.

I wrote the Level 1 Product Knowledge test today for work. I haven't had to study for quite a few years and I was a bit nervous that I wouldn't be able to remember anything, but I'm confident that I did quite well. That has been taking up a lot of my time lately. Now I'm moving on to level 2. I'm going to update my blog - hopefully tonight (at the latest, tomorrow) and post about the hockey game. I've got a special little photo just for you!

Carrie™ said...

OK, Blogger is being incredibly slow, so I think I'll pack it in for tonight and write my post tomorrow.
I forgot to comment on those adorable pictures of the fruit & veg animals! I especially liked the baby bok choy fish and the mushrooms on the teeter-totter, but my fav is the cauliflower sheep! Where did your mom find those?

Catherine Weber said...

I haven't been Rollerblading in a long time . . . I think I might need to repair my skates, get new wheels, and a new brake first! Alas.

What a nice surprise in the mail! Vicki sure is a sweet lady!

P.S. Below, I think my favorite food friend picture is the little kiwi gasping at her fallen ice cream cone. :) That one made me laugh aloud!

MeloMeals said...

What a great view you had!.. and so odd that you could watch it on TV.. is that a sign of how lazy we've become as a society??
Of course, you and Pete aren't lazy, your roller blading looks like so much fun. When I was a kid, visiting my family in California, I brought my skates so I could skate up and down Venice Beach.. I had so much fun!

The veggie patties look great..

Jody from VegChic said...

I like the older style inline skates that were a little slower than the new ones. The new ones are crazy fast and I'm always afraid I'll fall.

Looks like a great trip. I dig the cute eggplant penguins! Those palm tree masks that Peter makes are super cool. I'm seriously thinking about getting me one!

Oh yeah, happy belated birthday! I was lurking and saw your posts, but never got around to commenting.

Kuntal Joisher said...

hey kleo.. how r u doing? I'm doing good! ~kunsjoi

Anonymous said...

Darn!!!! I used to get those veggie patties at our Costco here in TN and then they stopped carrying them. Ugh! Now they carry these frozen Dr. Praeger patties and they're really awful. Not only do they not taste good but they ALWAYS fall apart. I'm having a difficult time getting through the gigantic box. I'm going to talk to the manager now and ask him to stock them since I know it's still a Costco product option. I do hope he obliges.

Drasch23 said...

You rock. I love the pictures of you vacay to the coast.

Thanks for all the kind words. Don't know that i have ever had a fan before ;)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your wonderful photos.

You truely are a walking advertisement for the vegan lifestyle. You look so wonderfully fit and full of good energy.

bazu said...

I love the Newport beach shots! What a beautiful sunset... but the topper is that t.v. station. For when you're staying at the beach... but don't really want to go to the actual beach...!

laura k said...

Ohhh, that was so sweet of Vicki to send you those. Bloggers visiting bloggers--it's a beautiful think, hopefully I'll get to be a part of someday! Hey, those are some very cool pictures--and what a beautiful sunset! Sunsets and sunrises never cease to amaze me... wow.

laura k said...

Oh, PS--I meant to say that those veg patties look like a great find! Hope I come across them someday!

urban vegan said...

Isn't it fun to get something cool via snail mail...esp. from Vicki!?

I love a veggie bargain.

Your getaway looks so relaxing--and it's funny that you can watch what's going on outdoors indoors.

That sunset is divine.

Unknown said...

I always admire people who can inline skate. It's too much like ice skating (which I can barely do) and not enough like roller skating (which I can passably do) for me. I'm too uncoordinated. Yay you!

Emmy said...

That Pisces magnet is really nifty. Wow, how crazy your hotel had a live feed of the outside. What a great find you made at Costco. I haven't seen those particular veggie patties before. They sounds really good.

Anonymous said...

nice photos!
What a nice surprise in the mail! who dont love days like that? wohoo :)

Valentina said...

the pictures are very nice! looks like you had a lot of fun! nice to have a bit of time to read your blog!

Anonymous said...

You two make such a gorgeous couple. You compliment each other? How long have you been together?
Those veggie patties actually look very good! I usually hate the ones I see but you can actually see the "veggies" in these! Sweet!

Anonymous said...

The veggie patties looks nice! Lovely pictures and reminds me of the days when I skate with friends!

Marathon Someday said...

In our world of e-mail, I think we've forgotten how precious snail mail can be. I miss getting handwritten letters and stuff! That's a lovely card.

And you are awesome for inline skating!!! I'm not so brave.;-)

Finally, THANK YOU for your comments on my blog. They're like little rays of sunshine in my day.:-)

funwithyourfood said...

We have those veggie patties at my house. Costco had them in bulk and richard used to work there. The best part about them is the crunchy sunflower seeds.


Dr. Melissa West said...

Those veggie burgers look yummy. That is really funny about the flat screen playing live feed of what was going on outside the window. I am dying for some warm and dry weather to head out inline skating. I think my daughter will be right into that this year.

aTxVegn said...

Those veggie patties look so good! I must look for them at my Costco.

I have a Cancer magnet like your Pisces one.

Vicki's Vegan Vice said...

Hey there - glad you liked the magnet! It totally describes you: easy going, mulit-talented, friendly, helpful, compassionate, & ultra-popular! LOVE the in-line skate photos -- another attribute on the magnet should be "athletic" & "beautiful" looks like fun! :o)

Lori said...

Thanks for always checking on me and praying for me. You are one darling lady. Have a wonderful Pesach and think of the beautiful freedom of our lives! Some day I will thank you in person for all the prayers and nice things you say about my art. xoxo


Jackie said...

Never been good at skating especially ice skating. Rather stick to a bike.

Those burgers do look nice. Glad they tasted nice as well.

Always sad to see a good site not being updated.

jess (of Get Sconed!) said...

Such a cute shot of you on the rollerblades!

scottishvegan said...

What a beautiful sunset! How bizarre that you could view the beach on tv in your hotel room!

Anonymous said...

Love the pic of Peter at the dog wash (I had to do a double take at the dog). Also love the "Eat your art" -- that's great.

Anonymous said...

Hope you are having a wonderful week. Yesterday made a commitment to moving my home. Look forward to sharing more as it progresses, best wishes, The Artist

vko said...

Beach tv is too funny- sad commentary on our society though...

Looks like you had a great time together, enjoying the sunset- that's so nice.

vko said...

Beach tv is too funny- sad commentary on our society though...

Looks like you had a great time together, enjoying the sunset- that's so nice.

Tanya Kristine said...

geesh...those look awesome! i like the size too...and veggie flavor can be the best.

that was nice of vicki to visit and follow it up with more good stuff. pices, eh? we're close you know!

VeganHeartDoc said...

I love to rollerblade too, but girl, where's your helmet?? :)

Briggitte said...

I have a whole package of those in my freezer. They take me forever to eat but omg their sooo good they taste awesome with some "ranch" sause on them.