It's almost time for the ninth annual Bowling for the Animals! I love their little logos...

http://www.bowlingfortheanimals.org/ (Wo)Man, i wish all of you awesome blogsters could participate in this... even if you think you "can't bowl." They should do stuff like this everywhere!
(I posted about this last year: http://piscesplace.blogspot.com/2006/04/regrets.html .)
This is a totally, totally, totally 100 percent fun event put on every year by a few wonderful animal- and vegan-friendly sponsors. Proceeds go to Spay-Neuter Action Project http://www.snap-sandiego.org/ , California Animal Association http://www.upc-online.org/winter0405/sacramento.htm , Feral Cat Coalition http://www.feralcat.com/ and San Diego Animal Advocates http://www.animaladvocates.org/ . There's vegan food galore, prizes, raffles, bowling and the best thing: meeting like-minded animal lovers.
I couldn't go in 2006 because i was out of town, but i'm planning to join in this year's festivities... I'm soooooo excited!
The BFTA photog caught me after
i probably gutter-balled one in 2005:

Urban Vegan asked me recently about our dear vegan friend, the "ferocious killer kat" and "Mumbai Vegan" (among his many nom de plumes)... Remember fellow blogger Kunsjoi? He moved last year from Los Angeles to his home country of India... and guess what?
He's getting married!
Her name is Dipti and not only is she vegetarian, she's also gorgeous...
i am thrilled for both of them!!

... and speaking of India, here's what Russell Simmons, the vegan pioneer of Def-Jam Records, has to say about a simple life, as told to Daily India:
And on a tough note, Mattie's going in for an ultrasound tomorrow at a specialty clinic... my little punkinhead's had a recurring bladder infection that my veterinarians & i have not been able to keep in check. i'm going to see more clearly what's going on... please think good thoughts for her!
***UPDATE!!!*** Mattie got a clean bill (never mind the bill i'm
payin'!!) of health after her ultrasound... YAY! We're still trying to
figure out what is wrong, but it's not anything serious. i am very
thankful! i so appreciate everyone's positive thoughts & prayers.
We certainly felt 'em and i know they helped pull her through.