Saturday, May 13, 2006

Reason #601,030 to spay/neuter

Go Montana, go Massachusetts, go Georgia!

From LA Online Magazine, "What's a Dog Worth?" (Link may or may not be working at the moment... it's been on and off line for a while...)

An interesting (read: sad but true) line from above article:
"Few of us have the zeal to lead purely vegan lives, rejecting every product that relies on the sacrifices of a nonhuman species."

And how i wish there were more places like this:


VeganHeartDoc said...

Sad, seriously. These dogs are adorable creatures. Our Melissa was a shelter dog, and one day when I'm not a single girl and have the time to dedicate to a dog I would adopt another one from a shelter.

On my trip, I found that the problem is even worse in Israel, since spaying and neutering is far less common. As a result, there is a huge dog and cat overpopulation problem and far too few shelters to accomodate the strays.

Carrie™ said...

Articles like this just make me want to cry. Why do people get pets and not look after them properly? It's a big commitment and it can be an expensive one. It's not just something you do on a whim. Simon has allergies and we've spent a lot of money going for tests, specialists, etc. and he's now getting allergy shots at home to help him through the non-winter months. I'd do the same for a child, so why not my dog? I remember an acquaintence of mine telling me about a dog she'd had years ago that had epilepsy and she couldn't afford the medication, so she had the dog put down. AH, HELLO?? Would you do that to your child. No, you'd find a way to buy what they need. A lot of people just seem to think that animals are disposable. I wish I had scads of property and loads of time & money, I'd head up to the shelter right now and take every animal that was in there. It breaks my heart to see their faces. All they want is to love and be loved. And what we get in return is priceless.

KleoPatra said...

i am right with both of you, VeganDoc and carrie (TM)...

I can't express the hurt I feel when I read stories like this and they remind me of the reality, the gravity, of the situation.

I don't post this sort of thing to make people sad (though I'm sure anyone who reads it can't help but feel sad) and probably putting it here is "preaching to the choir," but the story moved me, saddened me and angered me.

And in my heart of hearts, i wish people would just GET IT already...

Thank you both for caring and for commenting.

Carrie™ said...

Strangely enough, I posted the above message on Mother's Day morning, then about 4 hours later we had an emergency with Simon. I posted about it on my blog if you want to read it. In the end, it cost us a lot, money and worry, but that's part of the responsibility of being a pet owner. He's part of the family and we do what has to be done.....regardless!

KleoPatra said...

carrie (TM) i can't believe the timing of your post and what happened... i am checking out your blog and that post.

strange, strange...

Thanks for sharing.

Shananigans said...

For every person who goes out and buys a dog instead of adopting a dog, a dog like this is euthanized. Fortunately we are not those people, we were able to save this one. Now if millions of other people would just go out there and do the same thing we should have no problem. I know, “preaching to the choir”, and I really do wish people would just get it already!

KleoPatra said...

Shan... me too. Thank you for your comment. Pet cruelty, neglect, "overpopulation" and the euthanization that comes with those is a subject close to my heart and soul.