Hello!How are YOU!? I hope the week's been good to you and your loved ones.
I've been preoccupied as tour guide, writing some last-minute stories, and busy preparing for the trip to Canada. But i am curious how you (and you know who you are!) are, and i plan to visit everyone i can in blogland this weekend during down time at work!
My co-worker made this cake for her daughter's birthday this past week and though i know it's not vegetarian (she used marshmallows & Twinkies... gelatin & beef fat, yuck!!), it's still cute...My niece and i way up high at Cabrillo National Monument. Thanks to my friend Vince ( http://hikeofyourlife.com/ ) for the National Parks Pass that got us in free! YAY! The view of the water (San Diego Bay, which empties out into the Pacific Ocean) and downtown San Diego behind us was spectacular! I'm wearing a t-shirt my mom bought me earlier this year at the vegetarian and vegan-friendly Blind Faith Cafe in suburban Chicago.
My dad and niece at a Kosher (and vegetarian and vegan-friendly) pizza restaurant where some of my family went earlier in the week for dinner.
My mom and niece at Cabrillo. We had a great afternoon up there, it was a sunny day with stunning views!
The view from one of the bathrooms at Cabrillo is insane, a million-dollar view if ever there was one, looking out over the ocean... I was in the next stall over when my niece was checking things out so i grabbed the photo before anyone else came in the bathroom and wondered "What in the world?!"
It's been a fun week showing her around, i forgot how nice some of these places are around San Diego County. I still have places to take her before we head East.
How's the weather out that way? I'm almost afraid to find out because i think i threw out my winter coat and hat and gloves years ago... i'm ill-prepared, so what else is new?
I don't know this guy but i like him: J.D. Fortune!
Not likin' this... giving vegetarians a bad name...
Vegan cyclists, here's a NOISY site for us:
Some deals to be had at Vegan Unlimited:
Get in touch with your scribblin' inner child! It's totally fun:
Awesome bumper sticker & it's free!
I already ordered mine - your turn now:
And... without further ado... a cute little cartoon to (i hope!) get the weekend off to a fun start!