This photo of Mattie (small... i'm puzzled... guess i'm just havin' Blogger issues this a.m.) reminds me of an old fave site of mine that is no longer out there, dognoses.com... it had in-your-face photographs of dog noses. Just too cute! I wish it was still in Web-land so you all could see it...
Hey, i want to tell you how much i appreciate the kind comments re: my previous post. Another friend of mine, a young woman, passed away Sunday after a 1 1/2-year battle with breast cancer, so it's been like... i dunno... overwhelming, to say the least! I had a lot to think about praying in synagogue - and away from it as well - on Monday, to be sure.
But, like the TV show i used to watch & love, and the Beatles (go Paul McCartney!) tune it took its title from... "(O-Bla-Di, O-Bla-Da) Life Goes On" ... it has to, ya know?
I finished "Marley & Me" over the weekend and highly recommend it. Poignant & funny, it's little wonder this book's been on the NY Times best-seller list for so long a time. A well-written story by a journalist about a very mischievous but lovable Labrador and the family who shares his wild & crazy life, this is definitely a must-read for dog aficionados as well as those who enjoy taking a peek into other peeps' home lives! And as i am one of those who prefers non-fiction (although i have a soft spot for John Steinbeck), this was right up my proverbial alley.
An interesting, relate-able, to-the-point story by a vegan writer in Olympia, Wash.:
Pretty inspiring stuff there, Gigi!
It's almost time for the Vegetarian Film Festival
in New Zealand. Wow, would i love to go to NZ!
And not just to see "Harvie Krumpet" either...
This is a good place to voice your opinions (easy, too!)
What a good sport she is:

i am too weak and emotionally vulnerable to watch, but if you can/want to... ANIMAL Liberation NSW has launched a graphic television advertising campaign, targeting Australia's battery hen industry:
And on a happier note... any jigsaw puzzle fans out there?
My mom's such a nerd...
puzzles! I am so sure!

Mat, here in Peter's parents' garage, wishes you all a colourful week!
I'm sorry to hear about the loss. I lost my cousin to breast cancer almost two years ago. She was 24.
Sending you postive thought and healing vibes.
Sending you and Mattie big huggs K. Geraldine
Awww, Mattie is so cute no matter what size the picture is :) Love the one of her in socks. Adorable!!!
I'm so sorry to hear of your friend's passing. *BIG HUGS* You'll be in my thoughts all week Kleo.
I used to watch Life Goes On too!! I loved Marley & Me. Such a good book. I'm with you on preferring non-fiction :)
So sorry to hear about your friend. That's really difficult to deal with - hopefully everyone is getting regular breast exams, but that still can't completely prevent it from happening :(
So sorry to hear about your friend. That’s so hard. Big hugs and my thoughts are with you.
Thanks for all the pictures of Mat, she always makes me feel good. :) I’m feeling a little stressed this week so that’s helpful.
I have Marley & Me on reserve at the library but the wait is so long. Maybe I’ll just buy a copy, I’m not reading anything at the moment and I always like to have a good book when I travel. I hear it’s a tear jerker though, I don’t know if anyone wants to sit next the weeping girl on the plane.
Take care of yourself, more healing vibes headed your way.
Adorable pictures of Mattie, as usual.
I'm sorry to hear about all that is going on that isn't so good with you and the people you care for. Hang in there.
Good links and articles, thank you. And thanks for commenting on my blog. :)
Awwww, Mattie in sox! Too cute. :)
I am so sorry to hear about your friend passing away on Sun. Sounds like you've been having a rough time of it, kiddo. ((((((hugs)))))
I loved the article you linked from the Olympian. I got chills reading it. Very inspiring indeed.
I can never watch those animal cruelty videos either. I get all hysterical and start sobbing and people have to tell me to sit down and breathe. Not a great quality for a journalist is it? Guess I'll have to work on that.
And puzzles are cool. Yes they are. lol.
that's all i want to give ya-
I always want to give Mattie a hug when I see her pictures. And the look on her face in the picture where she is wearing the socks is priceless!
I have lost 2 friend/associates in the past 2 years (both young) to breast cancer. It is not fair, and I hope as a society we can figure out why this is happening. It is so unexplained. Sending hugs and good thoughts to you Kleo.
Kleo. I am so very sorry.
Please take care of yourself, Kleo. Seriously. Loss like the recent ones you have suffered is hard and hits you hard and fast, when you;re least expceting it. Feel what you need to feel, and know that there is a huge community out here who is here for you.
Sorry for your loss (again!) I hate that so much sorrow has been a part of your life lately :-(
I love the pic of Mattie - looks like she is wearing Thorlos, maybe getting ready for a run? LOL
I'm so sorry to hear about your friend, You're right, life does go on...although some days it is overwhelming when things are coming at you from all sides. I pray that your load gets a little lighter soon.
On a lighter note, great photos of Mattie!
oh my goodness. i'm so sorry to hear about your friend's passing. :( big hugs to you.
mattie is just adorable as ever. love the socks. :)
So sorry to hear about the loss of your friend.
The New Zealand Vegan film festival sounds great. Was brought up in New Zealand and do recommend a visit. It is a very beautiful country and for someone who enjoys hiking like yourself, there are wonderful places to walk. Throughout the bush and mountains are huts where people met up and stay after a day's climbing or walking.
i'm so sorry about the loss of your friend. it has been a tough little while for you.
i loved the article about becoming vegan, totally inspiring. i had no idea about the cattle rancher and baskin robins! i think i have given up eggs now, they are totally grossing me out... cheese, well that is another question... still working on that one.
love the photos of mattie, as adorable as always
you are in my prayers this week, as are the family members of the friend who passed.
Mattie is so adorable.
I am so sorry to hear about your friend, you both will be in my thoughts and prayers.
nnope. don't watch those...i did read marley & me though. i loved that book.
and i love mattie...
Kleo, I am so sorry to hear about all that you have been through lately. Know that you have a huge support system out here if you need it.
Mattie is so adorable. Just looking at her face always makes me smile. :)
Mattie is the cutest and luckiest dog! I love seeing all his photos on your blog!
I was really sad to hear about your friend and her struggle with breast cancer. I'm sorry for your loss and how overhwelming this must all be for you. I hope you know we all care about you very much and will be here to cheer you up anytime!!
kleo, i'm so sorry to hear about your friend. please take care & big love to mattie -- i know she returns it to you.
Wow, that's a lot of tragedy. Here's to a great New Year!
I'm so sorry you lost another friend... that has to be so hard to deal with...
Mattie is adorable.. I think our precious pets help us so much...
ooooo mattie in socks is the best thing EVER!
hey kleo, how r u?? tomm' my last day here in US of A.. so ciao.. I should be back up blogging in some 20 days or so..
Definitely seems like it's time to start a new year -- sorry to hear about your friend. Yikes.
Mattie is just the cutest pup ever! And, I have to say, there is nothing wrong with enjoying jigsaw puzzles . . !!! ;-)
I'm so sorry you've been having a rough time. You've reminded me I'm overdue to get a mammogram.
I love puzzles :)
Thanks for the links and give Mattie a hug from me.
It is scary to hear how many people (I say people as men are also now affected) are getting breast cancer and how they appear to be getting younger and younger.
So sorry to hear that you had another loss in your life Kleo. Cancer is such a rotten, horrible disease and everyone knows someone who has been effected by it. I've had family members die from it, and also had some recover. Breast cancer is particulary scary. A wonderfully dear woman that I used to work with died from it at age 36 leaving a husband and two very young children. Anyhow, on a happier note, Mattie in socks is adorable, as usual. And no Mat, your mom is not a nerd. She's pretty cool. Have a terrific weekend, the two of you! And Peter too!
Kleo, it's awesome how you seem to stay so positive! You're in my thoughts... Breast cancer is tough. Sending you hugs!
Hi again, Kleo!! <3
I hope you are having a great weekend!
Did you send me an email? I had to check with you before opening it! :P
Hope you are doing well!!! :) :)
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