Hello!How are YOU!? I hope the week's been good to you and your loved ones.
I've been preoccupied as tour guide, writing some last-minute stories, and busy preparing for the trip to Canada. But i am curious how you (and you know who you are!) are, and i plan to visit everyone i can in blogland this weekend during down time at work!
My co-worker made this cake for her daughter's birthday this past week and though i know it's not vegetarian (she used marshmallows & Twinkies... gelatin & beef fat, yuck!!), it's still cute...My niece and i way up high at Cabrillo National Monument. Thanks to my friend Vince ( http://hikeofyourlife.com/ ) for the National Parks Pass that got us in free! YAY! The view of the water (San Diego Bay, which empties out into the Pacific Ocean) and downtown San Diego behind us was spectacular! I'm wearing a t-shirt my mom bought me earlier this year at the vegetarian and vegan-friendly Blind Faith Cafe in suburban Chicago.
My dad and niece at a Kosher (and vegetarian and vegan-friendly) pizza restaurant where some of my family went earlier in the week for dinner.
My mom and niece at Cabrillo. We had a great afternoon up there, it was a sunny day with stunning views!
The view from one of the bathrooms at Cabrillo is insane, a million-dollar view if ever there was one, looking out over the ocean... I was in the next stall over when my niece was checking things out so i grabbed the photo before anyone else came in the bathroom and wondered "What in the world?!"
It's been a fun week showing her around, i forgot how nice some of these places are around San Diego County. I still have places to take her before we head East.
How's the weather out that way? I'm almost afraid to find out because i think i threw out my winter coat and hat and gloves years ago... i'm ill-prepared, so what else is new?
I don't know this guy but i like him: J.D. Fortune!
Not likin' this... giving vegetarians a bad name...
Vegan cyclists, here's a NOISY site for us:
Some deals to be had at Vegan Unlimited:
Get in touch with your scribblin' inner child! It's totally fun:
Awesome bumper sticker & it's free!
I already ordered mine - your turn now:
And... without further ado... a cute little cartoon to (i hope!) get the weekend off to a fun start!
That meat-loving article reminds me of all the people I know who say that can't stand to see raw meat or think about it, so they just don't look and eat it anyway! I keep telling them they're missing their opportunity to pledge veg.
Have a great time in Canada. You are so going to freeze!!!
Um... I hate to be the bearer of bad news, so I *won't* tell you about the arctic air mass making its way all around the northeast! =) After all the beautiful, sunshine-filled things you've been doing, the weather will be a bit of a shock, but actually not that bad yet. Have a great time at the wedding! Great photos. I've never been to a vegan friendly pizza place, that would be so fun and delicious. I love looking at your blog and drinking in some of the sunshine. Have a good weekend!
Those pictures of you with your niece, mom, and dad are so sweet!
That cake IS cute - I'm sure some creative cake-loving vegan could veganize it if they had the patience to do so!! :)
Looks like you and the fam had a fabulous time -- lots of smiles, good eats, and beautiful scenery. Sounds perfect!
And... yeah. It's cold. But that could change (I'm an optimist, ya know). Travel safely! (don't forget to pack snacks...)
Ooh! A trip to Canada! Lucky you! I'm glad you are hitting up the beaches now before you hit the cold weather. :) I guess you need to bring some of the SoCal sunshine with you!
What a cute cake! :)
Your whole family is so cute. I love your tie-dyed shirt! Wow, what a view from up there too - the ocean is gorgeous. Your mum & dad are sweet! Look at you being a photographer!!!! That shot of your niece is amazing!!!!!
Fun links! I like the cartoon one and just showed Britty how many animals she will save: 3432. Wow. :P You've been a veggie much longer than we have...I wonder how many you have saved yourself? :)
So I hope your Canadian trip is for fun and not for work! Where about are you going? I wish I could grab my passport and sneak along. :P
Looking forward to seeing you in Canada!
Admittedly, it's pretty chilly here in Toronto. But it's exactly the same weather as NYC or Cleveland - so I will defend the "we live in Arctic climate here in Canada" myth!:-)
Gorgeous pictures - it's really nice to be a tour guide in your own city sometime.
Can't wait to meet you, Kleo!!!!:-)
Glad that all is well Kleo, Ive missed your posts in the past few days!!!
Where are you headed in Canada if you don't mind me asking? We are on the move in November, lots to do but we can't wait.
Huggs, G
Have a great time in Canada! If you are headed to Toronto area, they have had quite the cold snap recently, so invest in some gloves!! Vancouver weather has been much nicer.
great photos!, the ocean is so beauty!
take care in the trip.
OK, I can't believe no one said anything about that hot little number, JD Fortune. So I will. I'd be all over that! He's another crush of mine. He looks fabulous shirtless. And a Canadian boy to boot. I bet you can't wait to get here now!
I'm going to send you an e-mail about your trip so we can get things organized. You have my number too, so call or text if you need to. It's not THAT cold here. Yesterday was 12 (54F). Buffalo got that huge snowstorm and we only got rain.
Have a great week and thanks for the links - interesting as always. And I enjoyed the photos. Very nice family and beautiful surroundings.
nice pics. what a spectacular view! :)
enjoy your trip to canada. :)
KP are you and your niece lugging around a stuffed doll?
Hey Girl!
Here's the weather report from the Great White North: COLD! It's only rainy here, but I heard the farther north you go, the snowier it gets. Have a great vacation!
hey ! so glad you're doing well ! i've missed you. great pictures ! i miss California :-(
What great family pictures :) That ocean-view is absolutely stunning. Just beautiful. Wow! I hope you have a wonderful, fun, and safe trip to Canada :) Hope you're feeling better. Look forward to hearing all about your trip :) Take care!! *HUGS*
Great pics! :)
That "meatatarian" story was just off the hook. I don't like people like that. It's like the Lisa Loeb baco-vegetarian thing (she eats bacon of all things). Gross. It just makes me upset that someone could preach compassion and let some craving usurp it so easily. (Granted, I've had struggles with cheese but still!) If you're going to be an omni, fine, it's your decision, but please, don't get on your high horse about being vegetarian the rest of the time and feeling compassion for the animals.
Sorry for the rant! I hope you have a great trip! Please bundle up--it's cold up there.
I love your reports from the vegan front.
What a gorgeous, subtle photo of your neice looking out the window at the lovely view.
Good things come in 3s, they say. (Vegan. Kosher. Pizza.)
Thanks again for the funny video! Have fun up North.
Hi Kleo! I was sad to hear you felt so sick, and I hope I didn't give it to you through blogger-land. Lol! I hope you are feeling a little better today! :( Rest up for that fun trip you have coming up!!
Looks like things are beautiful out there in your neck of the woods! You and your family are all smiles, and that is very heart-warming. Take care!
aww the last cartoon IS cute :)
The cake looks pretty but I can't believe people actually eat it. Lovely pictures by the way!
Ooh, I hope you're feeling better! It's a bummer to be sick right now, with family, travel, a wedding, etc. coming up! Take care of yourself!
I just re-read that article you posted, and it does make me angry.
Especially this passage:
"I don’t think I should foist my beliefs on my family. I mean, eating meat is so much a part of American culture that choosing to do something different should be an individual choice. That’s why I recently ordered a quarter of beef for my family from a friend who raises beef cattle."
Your beliefs- like choosing to eat or not eat meat is like picking a nail polish color. She's so flippant!
This reminds me of Eric Marcus exposing those articles planted in college newspapers around the country about students who tried going vegan and told of how utterly horrible and undoable it was. These were all paid hacks, it turned out.
Sorry for the rant, but sometimes it's just too much!
Have a wonderful time in Canada and can't believe how alike your neice and father are. No mistaking they are related. What a wonderful time you have had showing her around, with best wishes, The Artist
that view from San Diego is great! have a nice time in Canada!
Hi Kleo! My cousin is coming to LA unexpectedly on business, so I finally get to show some family around town. And her friend in San Diego is coming up by train to spend a day with us, should be fun. Hope it’s sunny and clear tomorrow like in those pictures you took at Cabrillo. Nice view! I am heading back to the great white north for good (see blog for details) and will definitely need to stock up on warm weather grear!
crap. i posted on the wrong day.
Ok, that cake is cute and all, but I kinda think the little kids on the cake look like they are laying in their graves (morbid, I know). But really, that's what it looks like.
Thanks for the articles - I will have to read them throughout the day.
Hope you are having a wonderful time in Canada. Sorry I never caught you before you left.
Been having weird problems with my computer and also with my ISP so took time off to read a few books and catch up with other offline stuff.
Great photos, you are all so photogenic :)
i had a slumber party cake like that for my birthday in 4th grade!!
yummy looking cake and cute pictures of humans, too! ;)
What great family photos...love the pic of your niece gazing out the window.
Have a good time in Canada (I'm betting it's a wee bit colder than San Diego, lol).
I hope you have a wonderful time. I'm sure jealous that you're going to get to meet up with a bunch of other veggie bloggers.
That's an incredible view of the ocean. Makes me miss it a little here in landlocked TN.
I'm not too happy with that article about the meat eating vegetarian. It's sad that people like that have to dirty the name. We can all take comfort in knowing that with every bite of that tortured cow, she's actually eating her own death sentence.
always look forward to coming to your blog.. but, looking and reading through all of your links.. ahh I get a bit distracted..in a good way!
love to see that is nice and sunny somewhere! love those photos!
I hope your feeling better
take care,
I miss my Kleo! I hope you're having a great trip though and that you kicked the cold/sickness!!!
I cannot wait to see which blogger friends you met up with!! And to hear about the wedding too! I hope you got a photo of you all dressed up for the wedding!!
Can't wait for you to return! :) :)
I just finished watching the cartoon. It was a bit graphic, but so great at getting the point across. The acticle was very strange. It sounded like it was written by a 5 year old or somthing. I do not understand how somone could have convictions about killing animals and then just ignor them. I hope that woman makes a pledge to hereself to stay away from meat for good. Have fun in Canada!
Beautiful family photos! & I can't think of a better place to be tour guide. I'll have to be sure & tinkle next time I'm @ Cabrillo - I definately missed something there. Have a wonderful time in Canada -- can't wait to hear about your adventures!
Sounds like you had a great time with your family!
This is my first week back to work, so I'm pretty swamped...though feeling good after vacation.
What a strange article to even be posted in the paper?!?
wow. spectacular views, you make a great tour guide! :)
thanks for sharing that article. i actually identified with how she felt as i remember, over ten years ago, when i was first considering becoming vegetarian, how strange and scary it all seemed. now vegan, that seems like a lifetime ago but i just spent the last half hour sending the author an email. i hope that my journey can inspire her to dig a little deeper and arm herself with real knowledge so that she can drown out her fears and make a decision that truly works for her. thank you so much for sharing that!
Missing you! Hope you are having a great time on your trip!!
You live in a gorgeous locale - what wonderful pictures. When are you going to be back (hmmmm, that was said with a definite whiny tone in my head as I typed it....)
trac (in rainy, cloudy, overcast Syracuse longing for some west coast sunshine....)
Hope you're having a great break, best wishes, The Artist
Hey, girl. Where you at?
hey hey!! I'm in mumbai and kinda back online :-) .. how r u doing?
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