Monday, July 02, 2007

Think good thoughts!

Mat's been quite sick. i'll be back around these parts at some point. Please keep her in your prayers!


Monika K said...

I'm keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers...I hope you have a worry-free day!

Tracy said...

Awwwww...I hope she gets better soon. I'll be thinking about you both....I hope it isn't serious...{{hugs}}

Carrie™ said...

Jim & I are both praying for you and Mattie. Simon sends kisses and head rubs. Text me as soon as you hear anything.

dreamy said...

May Mat get well soon!

laura k said...

Praying for you and Mattie! ::hugs::

Jackie said...

Sorry to hear about Mat, hope he gets better very soon, poor thing.

Hope this cheers you up a weeny bit: You have just awarded a `Bloggers for Positive Global Change Award'. The details of your award can be seen at

LizNoVeggieGirl said...

oh no! I will definitely say a prayer each day for Mattie - I hope she improves soon!! And Kiwi wishes her a full recovery as well. Stay strong!!

Crystal said...

Oh no!! I will definitely keep you and Matty in my thoughts. Hope everything improves.


Anonymous said...

Awww Mattie! Piper & I will be thinking of you & we are wishing you a quick recovery!

Marathon Someday said...

K - I'm thinking lots of positive thoughts for you and Mattie - I hope that she improves very, very soon. (((hugs))).

The Lone Beader® said...

Awww... :(

urban vegan said...

I'm sending Mattie mad hugs, good vibes and a huge belly rub. And (((hugs))) to you, Kleo. Please keep us posted.

Theresa said...

Hugs to Mattie, and to you. Hope she gets bettern soon!

Tofu Mom (AKA Tofu-n-Sprouts) said...

Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. I know how hard stuff can be.

Lori said...

Good thoughts and prayers for Mattie.



bazu said...

Poor Mattie. I'll be sending both of you my positive thoughts and vibes and I hope she gets well. SOON!

Emmy said...

I'm so sorry to hear Mattie has been ill. You are both in my thoughts and prayers. I'm sending lots of good thoughts and wishes your way. *BIG HUGS*

n/a said...

Get better, Mat!! You're in my thoughts.

Sheree' said...

I am sorry Mattie is sick. Prayers, well wishes, and love being sent up MG road!

aTxVegn said...

Good thoughts are coming Mattie's way.

Drasch23 said...

Sending healing vibes and boxer kisses her way.

And hugs to you from me!

madeinalaska said...

awwhhh... I read about Mattie on carries site.. I do hope all is going as well as can be expected!! I do know how loved Mattie is.. best wishes.. and I started blogging again because of you ms. Kleo! you caught me and called me out...
I do hope all is going well, take care ... best wishes for you and Mattie!
hugs loves and kisses ...

Candi said...

*hugs Mattie*

We'll be thinking of her and sending good thoughts her way. Some for you too, Kleo! You're a great mom to her and I hope she is feeling better very soon. <3 <3


jenny said...

I will certainly be thinking of you both! I'm so sorry to hear she is ill!

Nikk said...

I hope Mattie's okay! We're rooting for her over here and sending her hugs and good vibes.

Kate said...

As all have said, I will keep her, and you, in my prayers thoughts.

TS said...

I'm thinking about you both.

MeloMeals said...


Kleo and Mattie.... Jorda and I are thinking of both of you... hang in there...

*HUGE HUGS* and belly pats...

Vicki's Vegan Vice said...

You and Mattie are in our thoughts and prayers! <3

Scott McMurtrey said...

Sadie and Shasta give bow-outs (shout-outs ha ha ha i'm so clever).

Hope all is well.

vko said...

Booboo & I are sending you & Mattie lots of love & prayers & only good thoughts.

Dan said...

Matt will be in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs to you during this time.

Peter Matthes said...

My cat seems to be very sick too.

I hope Mattie gets well really soon.

Someone seriously needs to talk to God about making the life span of animals much longer.

TB said...

oh, i'm so sorry. i know it's so hard to have a sick animal... sending good wishes to your pup!

Jody from VegChic said...

Poor Mattie. I'm thinking of both of you and really hope she gets better soon.

Crystal said...

Hope Matty is doing better...just checking in here!


Jen said...

Oh, dear. Wish you well, Mattie. You're a much loved dog, even by the many of us who know you only through the pictures & loving words of your sweet caregiver.

Anonymous said...

Kleo - I'm so sorry Mattie's sick. I hope she feels better real soon. I'm saying a prayer for both of you.

Anonymous said...

Woof and Hugs from the Pennsylvania Cockers! Mattie and Karen you are in our thoughts!

Anonymous said...

kleopatra, you and mattie are in my thoughts. mattie, get well soon!

Anonymous said...

Even that Mattie is better both of you will be in my prayers.