My friend Marina, Chicago-born (like me!) but Californian at heart (same, natch), came for a visit last week, dragging her bro and & Germany-born mom, who i'm pretty sure fell in love with SoCal.
i had small parts of only two days to show 'em around San Diego County and we hit Point Loma, Coronado, Ocean Beach & more. Their fave place was La Jolla - and it's hard to blame them:
Mat was feeling in the pink (HOORAY!) and joined in on our adventures:
Is Mat smiling (above) or is it my imagination?!

Thanks to Vicki's husband, Art, for the head's up on Vegan Zone in Pacific Beach. I took Marina & co. there but they weren't feelin' the love so i was the only one to order from this fab little eatery. i got a pepper steak wrap that was divine.
i left my camera in the car so i didn't get to take a photo but i'm sure my pal Peter and i will hit this spot again and i'll def take pix. For now, here's Art's take on this place:
Sunday was Peter's mom's 86th birthday. EIGHTY-SIX! This angel of a woman wanted to go to my fave veg restaurant SIPZ so we did! Great stuff as usual there. i ordered something new to their menu, BBQ "chicken"... which was outrageous... but of course i left my camera behind (again).
i grabbed the photo below of her and Peter's dad (who turns 88 next month) on their couch at home after we got back from our delicious outing. They have four other children and two of them sent flowers from out of state. Lovely.
Can you believe that last month they celebrated 62 years of wedded bliss?! SIXTY-TWO years. Wow.
If you have a minute, this is a sweet animal-lovers Web site:
As if you didn't already know:

Dan Piraro and Bizarro, always right on:
Ki Karen, just catching up during my absence while my parents were here. I am so so so saddened to hear about Mattie. I hope she's feeling better. I will send good thoughts for her and YOU your way. My parents brought Wally with them on their trip, the Cocker Spaniel I had before I gave him to them. Noble's super cute and sweet and loveable but there's nothing quite as cuddly as a furry Cocker Spaniel. I miss him big time. He definitely got enough hugs from me during the 3 weeks he was here to last him until the next visit though.
Give Peter's parents a big hug from me (who couldn't use more hugs). 62 years together is amazing and deserves recognition. Marty & I could make it to 62 years but that might be a bit of a stretch. He would be 95 years old. I'm hoping he makes it to 100 which would put us at 67 years. Wow! That would be a long time.
You & the Mattster are such good tour guides! I wanna visit San Diego just so's I can get the special Kleo vegan tour! I hope Mattie's doing well & that you enjoy more time with visitors & family. What a treat to have such gems as Peter's parents in your life. And it's a treat for me to have you in mine!
Great to see Mattie is so much better and yes I do believe he is smiling :)
How amazing to be married for so many years, both for a couple to live to such a wonderful age and for a marriage to be happy for that long with all the pressures of modern day life.
Great links and graphics as always.
cool post, evolve - ev love - everyone love! :)
yes mat looks like shes smiling to me too so are all the animals:)
The comic by dan is great, i m so happy we have a vegan artist :)
62 years! thats a long long time she'll be married when she 22 up till now! cool!
What a wonderful thing--the greatest gift in fact--to shre time with loved ones.
How could anyone not fall in love with SoCal?
I always think Mattie is smiling...with a mamma like you, how could she not?
Your family and Peter's family are the paragons of health.
you were telling no lies, K: she is definitely smiling!!!
WOW 62 years together is amazing.
you ask about my tofu the recipe is here: http://tropicalvegetarianfamily.blogspot.com/2007/01/christmas-tree-goodies-and-puerto-rican.html
Miss Jewlicious,
So glad your sweet pup is in the pink. So good to hear.
I'm starting to learn that evolving means loving myself and I'm finally falling in love with me! Nice post there!
Thank you again for the words posted on my site. I was a little hesitant about that post honestly and waking to your words made me know I was right. You are right about the road less traveled. Saying my work was different was the highest compliment ever. Thank you for starting my day that way.
All the best to you my dear.
awww, she is smiling! and a happy birthday to peter's mom. how cute!
Hey Kleo. I'm not super into astrology and all that, but some of it is so true it's hard not to believe. Pisces.. a fish, and I love being in the water and at the beach. So yay for pisces!
Looks like you showed your friends some great spots here in SD.
86! Wow, how great for her. And Sipz, a perfect place to go. I'll give that bbq chicken a try next time I go. Their orange chicken is one of my favorites.
Have a great week yourself!
Sounds like a good time! I need to get myself out to San Diego one of these days. I hear its gorgeous out there!
Wow! 62 years of marriage. My grandparents will be hitting 60 years on June 27th. :)
Glad to hear Mattie is feeling better!!
Hello - I found you through FatBloke - I am vegetarian/nearly vegan myself and I love the banner you have "I don't anything with a face." Nice to know there are others out there!
yr dog is too cute!
Hi Karen!! :)
Love does make the world spin! Mattie looks pretty in pink, and her smile is contagious! Thanks for the shout-out to Art's review - maybe you & I can hit that spot in August?! Peter's parents are such an inspiration - 86 years young, 62 years married, and still smiling! When I met them, it struck me then how positive & friendly they are -- and good tastes, obviously, they chose SipZ!!!
You have been awarded The Rockin' Girl Blogger Award http://thevegandiet.blogspot.com/2007/07/award-meme-and-pies.html
A different little graphic to add LOL
Hello there,
What a pleasure dropping by your place. So positive and uplifting! I'm happy to have discovered this lovely place in the blogosphere.. ;-)
I would also like to discover San Diego, if ever you're in the mood for sharing, I'd enjoy it very much. It's nice to have company and act as a tour guide and get them to visit our FAB places...
How nice to see Mattie up and about. ;-)
I have a favour to ask of you, could I have the picture of the monkey and the cat for my blog too, I absolutely adore it and what is written! Priceless!
So good to see Mattie out and about.
Wow, Peter's parents look fantastic. 62 years certainly deserves something special.
I love all your photos, as always.
glad to see Mattie is smiling and still doing well - fabulous pictures of everyone!! that's amazing that Peter's parents have been together for 62 years. incredible.
Ah, I should have tapped you for info on the best vegan eateries before heading to SoCal. Next time!
Your posts make me so happy!
Aww, Peter's mom is SO cool. How cool that she is so healthy, long-lived, long-married, and interested in veg. food!
And, how cool that you got to see your friend and show her around SD- who wouldn't fall in love with it? My friend from grad. school, Eva, lives in SD with her husband Ari and they love it.
And, yes, I'm pretty sure Mattie is smiling. Look at her fluffy paws- so cute! Again, I'm so glad she's doing well.
Sounds like you had a good week! I'm glad you enjoyed the Vegan Zone and didn't let your friends ruin the experience for you. You will have to go back soon with others who will appreciate it! Sometimes we have to pick "safe" restaurants with friends and families just because we get sooooo tired of their comments.
First of all, Mattie looks great! I knew I had seen her smiling.
Peter's parents are indeed amazing. They look terrific for 86 years old.
Hallo! I always wanted to visit California hopefully I can do that soon. Mattie is still adorable as ever!
Hmm I should try whipping some veggie food!
How nice that your friend came to visit! Lucky that you were able to get a bit of time in with them. Funny thing...in the past week and a half I've had 3 different customers (1 @ bakery & 2 @ LCBO) mention that they'd just gotten back from San Diego. It's a sign I'm sure.
I'm glad to see Mattie out and about. What a sweetheart! Takes after her Momma. Congrats to Peter's parents. 62nd anniversary!? Amazing!
Yes, Mattie is smiling! And yes, SoCal is impossible not to fall in love with. Glad you were able to spend time with those you care about. :)
Hi Sweetie,
I do believe Mattie is smiling. I looked through some of her other pictures and I think she smiles most of the time. She looks so happy in this picture.
What fun to try a new restaurant. I will have to get out to one someday soon. Peter's parents are so sweet and oh my goodness 62 years. I so hope Chuck and I can say the same someday. Only 32 to go! lol
(((((hugs to you and Mattie)))))
I love the line about not eating anything with a face :-) I was actually mentioning it to some coworkers yesterday, they actually didn't look at me like I was crazy, something almost registered in their heads!!
I'm sure La Jolla was beautiful, such a pretty place, I visited last fall and really enjoyed running along the ocean, so peaceful. Glad to see that Mattie got out with you guys :-)
And wow 62 years is amazing. I can only hope my (soon-to-be) marriage lasts that long!
Karen, as always, your comments on my blog have touched me - my grandfather certainly is such a wonderful person, and if not for him (or for ANY of my dear family and friends), I probably wouldn't have been as "tolerant" as I was of my meal; but I learned that it's worth it in the end. I'd rather have a bad meal and be surrounded by those who matter the most to me, than to have a spectacular meal alone :0)
Hey there - I always read your posts and then forget what I was going to comment on.
Mattie looks so cute and YES, she is smiling.
First of all, I'm so sorry to hear that Mattie's been sick. Glad that she is feeling better and up for some sight seeing!
Wow 62 years - that is so impressive, especially in this day and age. It's very cool that she wanted to visit a veg restaurant to celebrate, too!
I love all the fun pictures you share - the cartoons in the last post cracked me up. Hope you and Mattie have a wonderful weekend!
wow. two huge milestones! they look very cute together.
I love La Jolla too. we drove down there last year to scuba dive in the cove. i saw 5 huge black bass..it almost scared me they were so big. i started to hyperventilate trying to recal in my diving book if they were attack fish becuase they were slooooooooooowly coming at me. they're like pussy cats.
pepper steak sandwich...yeah baby!
It looks like you have been busy enjoying your friends and family! Peter's parents are great--I love stories of couples who stay together that long.
Vegans do it for love... I really like that one! :)
what a great post! i loved the title of the post, too. that's so true... i'm very happy to see mattie's smile :) it's great that you had great time with your friends and family!
I'm also playing a bit of catch up this week. I don't understand how I can be so busy when school is out. How does that work?
It looks like you ahd a terrific visit with family. Those are the best times. :)
So glad to see that Mattie is feeling well. Give her 'schritches' for me.
hey kleo, How are you doing? I'm doing good here in india.. been busy offlate.. so havent been able to blog much or visit any blogs.. anyways have a good weekend!! bye
Wow! What a great pic of his parents... how awesome is that? Over 60 years of married life...
and the fact that she wanted to goto a veg restaurant... what a cool woman! I just love listening to elderly people.. they have so much to say... and I learn so much from them...
I'm so glad Mattie was able to join.. and what a beautiful smile... of course that is a smile.. big time!
Thanks for the comments on my blog! Your blog looks great. Happy birthday to Peter's mom.
Your little dog looks likes he has come back to life and Peter's parents look so contented surrounded by all those wonderful flowers. What a special life they have had to look that way after 62 years together. Give them a big hug and a congratulations from me, best wishes, The Artist
It sounds like you've been busy and enjoying yourself immensely. It's important to live life to it's fullest. Congrat to Pete's Mom and Dad for being together for so long. That was wonderful that she wanted to go somewhere that was Vegan on her day. How wonderful that she was thinking about you.
Sorry Ihaven't been commenting lately.. I'm still here:)....
Happy belated birthday Peter's Mom! What a lovely, warm soul!
62 years! Wow, how inspiring. Congrats to the happy couple. And it is good to see Mattie happy and healthy. She *is* smiling :-)
What beautiful pictures! Sixty-two years of marriage - I wish all of us could be so lucky - how wonderful!
Mattie is definitely in the pink - he's got that sparkle in his eye (the same one I'm sure his mommy has all the time!).
Kleo, you are one rockin' vegan girl. I just tagged you, so check out my blog :)
Hurray for Mattie feeling in the pink!!!
And that is so amazing that Peter's parents have been married for that long- so sweet.
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