Thank you for your prayers, support & healing thoughts!
It's been a "ruff" two weeks but i am on the mend...
Mommy is looking forward to visiting everyone this week.
Me: Proud vegetarian/almost vegan. Animal lover. Passionate about life and living well. Working journalist. Jewlicious but open-minded. Wannabe athlete. Trying to get by in this world. Thanks for visiting, do make yourself at home.
Me: Proud vegetarian/almost vegan. Animal lover. Passionate about life and living well. Working journalist. Jewlicious but open-minded. Wannabe athlete. Trying to get by in this world. Thanks for visiting, do make yourself at home.
Oh Mattie! Thank heavens you're on the mend! Make sure your mama spoils you rotten with treats and kisses and rubs!
Mattie!! My mommy was so worried about you and your mommy. I'm glad the vet fixed you up. We were praying lots here for you to pull through. Glad to see you back. YEA MATTIE!!
Mattie, I'm so relieved to hear you're doing much better now... You take it easy and get some rest. And give Mommy some extra love--I think she needs it!
Glad to have you both back - healthy and happy!
oh my goodness, how did I miss these posts??? good thoughts are still being sent, as a measure of protection. hugshugshugs are thrown in the mix too.
Oh Mattie! It's So good to have you back. We missed seeing your cute little face & we are glad your doing good! Still sending good thoughts for a full recovery!
Yay, Mattie! I was so worried about you. You look wonderful and I'm really glad you're feeling better!
So glad you're feeling better, Mattie! I'm sending you a huge belly rub and scratches behing those cute fuzzy ears. You're lucky to have such a great mamma.
YYYYEEESSSS!!! This is excellent news! I'm so glad to see that Mattie is doing well, and that you are back in the "blogging world" - I hope everything remains well for you and Mattie - I'm still keeping happy thoughts :0)
oh, best wishes for mattie!
Yay Mattie! So good to see you again. Glad you're feeling better.
she looks like a happy tongue-wagger. :)
Oh this is wonderful news. I'm so glad. Our fuzzy children need us so much when things are not right and it is so stressful. I still say it would be easier to love motorcycles however they don't love back.
Thank you for you wonderful and eloquent post. I loved the article and will read it again. I have not heard anything yet but I pray you are right and those puzzle pieces will come together finally. I have learned so much through this journey and do admit I am so much better for it mentally. However, Hashem needs to stop teaching me for a while...I'm tired and would like to practice what I've learned.
Much love to you. I pray we meet someday.
aw, it's so good to hear that you are getting better mattie!!
Oh, look at her beautiful face! Mattie, I really have been sending good thoughts your way so I'm so glad that you're mending. And K, I know it must have been a stressful time for you both, so hope you can celebrate the mending in some lovely way!
i just have to say again what an adorable picture that is of Mattie with a big smile on her face, sitting in the sun on a clump of something green. She looks so sweet and happy! What a great dog :D
Just catching on your blog here. I've been out of commission for a littel while.
So glad to hear that Mattie is doing better! We(me and Nick-the-cat)are thinking good thoughts for the both of you.
Mattie!!! This is the best news ever! I'm so happy & relieved. Now go have some fun with Mom! :)
I'm so glad Mattie's doing better. :)
So much love to you, Mattie...and to the humans who love and care for you. The rest of us are soooo very happy you are on your way back to better health!
sending love and healing your way, from myself, the cap'n, table, coda, max, marley, cj, solomon, and banAnna....get ready! heeere it comes! ;)
I am so sorry ot hear that Mattie was sick but so very happy that she is getting better. Big hugs to the both of you!
Mattie looks so cute in the 1st pic! Glad she is well now :)
It is amazing how the face of an animal can so perfectly reflect how they feel.
This is excellent news.
Mattie, hang in there girl! Our prayers are with you..
I am so pleased you are feeling much better Mattie.
I don't normally talk to dogs but my Mummy says you are very, very nice and she was awfully worried about you.
Luv Charlie (Jackie's cat)
Yay Mattie!!
I'm glad that you are feeling better- we were very very worried. We send you lots of belly rubdowns. Can't wait til you are back to your sweet ole'self. hugs to your mommy!
hip hip - HOORAY for Mattie!
Oh Mattie! I'm so glad that you're feeling better! Your mommy was so worried about you... give her extra kisses... and lovin...
Ohh, Mattie, it's good to see you looking healthy again! You're so cute, your mom is lucky to have such a wonderful furry friend like you!
glad to see your doggie is better - am sure your positive attitude helps heaps
Mattie - I'm so glad we heard from you, and am very glad to hear that you're getting better. I'm sure your mama was very worried about you. Give her lots of hugs and kisses, okay?
Mattie I'm so glad to hear you're feeling better!
Feel better, Mattie! ::ruff ruff::
Thank Goodness Mattie's doing better!
Thanks for your post over at my blog Kleo. I read it to my girls and they were so impressed that you were a "sports person"...
We're a major Baseball family - we'd be at every game if we didn't have to dip into the grocery budget for tickets!
Cheers to Mattie, hope things continue to get better...
I'm glad that Mattie is ok. :-) It's tough when our furbabies are sick.
Thanks for the visit, K. Mattie is such a cutie!
Glad to hear Ms Mattie is doing better. Poor puppy.
So pleased to hear Mattie is on the mend. Just knowing the crisis has passed will be making you feel better. Do hope you have a chance to take it easy now, best wishes, The Artist.
Looks like Mattie is health and bouncing now. Look at the cute adorable face! Awwww I just wanna give Mattie a big hug!
oh no...i. HATE that...dogs should NEVER get sick and NEVER leave us. I hope she feels better soon. and you too...i know that takes a toll.
What a cutie! It's so sad when animals get sick. You're good to her.
Hi there Kleo! It's always cool to find over vegans from SD. I'm a rather new vegan and I've only tried one vegetarian/vegan restaurant (Sipz), do you have any favorites?
i know of a few 99 cent stores near me, i'm not sure if its an 99 cents only store of the same chain.. but i'll check it out. that's awesome! 99 cents for all that, sweet! when normally its 3 or 4 bucks!
ah, i love trader joe's. yeah, whole foods is a once in a while thing for my family. it sure is pricey.
Have a great week.
Thanks for the site info, will speak to my host.
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