Monday, December 10, 2007
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
The fires in San Diego
It's bad here, really bad.
i want to send out a big thank you all for text messages, phone calls, e-mails, Facebook notes, MySpace messages, regular mail, all of it...
It is scary, very much so right now, so incredibly frightening... so to have support and concern, prayers and good thoughts sent this way right now means EVERYTHING.
As i write this, Mattie and i are safe and all right as is my family here. Peter, who just the other day adopted an older Labrador, and his family are all right as well. Unfortuanately, that could change at any moment. I think the entire county of San Diego is on fire.
This is incredible, tragic, frightening, frustrating. The things i have seen are horrifying, and i am worried most about the animals, both pets and the wildlife, many (too many) of which have perished, in some horrific ways.
Working in the newspaper business has been my dream come true for the last 20-something years of my life, but right now, it's painful to the depths of my soul to be in the newsrooom, to be surrounded by FACTS.
And the fact of what is happening right now is this: devastation.
If you want to help the animals, and if you can, please do:
I'm doing what i can to help here...
Please think good thoughts.
I'll be back when this nightmare is over.
Karen (kleo)
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Goodbye, sweet Heidi
"As the sun hides his head
For another night's rest
And the wind sings
His same old song
And you on the edge
Never close, never far
Always there when I needed a friend
Yet it's hard living life
On this memory-go-round
Always up, always down
Spinning 'round and 'round and 'round
And all this could be
Just a dream so it seems
I was never much good at goodbye
There once was a time
Never far from my mind
On the beach, on the 4th of July
I remember the sand
How you held out your hand
And we touched for what seemed a lifetime
Now it's hard
Leaving all this behind me now
Like a schoolboy so lost
Never found until now
And all this could be
Just a dream so it seems
I was never much good at goodbye
Yet it's hard
Living life on this memory-go-round
Always up, always down
Turning 'round and 'round and 'round
And all this could be
Just a dream so it seems
I was never much good at goodbye
And all this could be
Just a dream so it seems
I was never much good at goodbye
-"Goodbye," Night Ranger
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Bee-ing kind stings sometimes

Hmmmmm... i loooooove this Bizarro!
Strange i never saw anything like this when i went to college in the 1980s. For sure a chart worth studying:

"Sorry to get in yer face but i wanted to make sure you recognize me!"
Mat sez: "Hello!! *sigh* i am still dealing with my haircut..."
Peter took time out from his running training to give Mat a big ol' hug... he's got a little bit of a scary look here but Mattie doesn't seem to mind!
The bat talk was fantastic! Peter & i spotted this license plate in the parking lot of the library where the talk was given. i learned a lot about these amazing animals and have renewed appreciation for them.
What was the coolest was the 40 or so kids who were there for the discussion... they have knowledge and with that, i hope, compassion... and that gives me such great hope!
i got stung by a bee yesterday on the ring finger of my right hand and it's blown up huge and pounding like crazy. i was trying to rescue the bee from drowning in the swimming pool at my condominium. Go figure!
Bee-lieve it or not, here's the latest buzz, honey, i'll certainly chance it again to help one of these guys out.
Oddly enough, about 2 weeks ago, i smashed the ring finger of my left hand in my closet and that finger's been huge and sore since, so you can imagine my typing isn't too great of late...
ANYway, no excuses! i apologize for not being around Blogland much! i have been thinking of my online pals and will be sure to drop by every buddy's blog this week! *HUGS*
My dad's 77th birthday is Wednesday (tomorrow) but we celebrated with brunch Sunday in Coronado at Il Fornaio, an Italian eatery that my parents like. i can't say i was looking forward to eating in a non-veg restaurant but it was a family thing so i went... with a smile.
The exceptional view from our table:
In a pleasant surprise, Il Fornaio offers a vegan minestrone soup and their homemade bread is vegan, too. Guess what i had... i took a photo but it wasn't anything particularly spectacular.
At my parents' house, things were bright & beautiful, festive & fun:
My niece, Shoshana and my nephew, Rubin.
"We are ready to par-tay!" My fam has rockin' & rollin' parties, really.
A close-up of the cake:
My sister Elyse made the cake. It was fab!
As you can see, my dad goes many titles... Len, Dad, Zaidy (grandfather in Yiddish) and Elf, for his volunteer work bringing books to those less fortunate:
Anyway, digressing back to Il Fornaio:
Me & the birthday boy.
My uncle Herb and his sister (my mom, Natalie). They have owned their own photography biz in SD for 20 years but i got to take the family photos this time 'round.
Shoshana and her parents. (My sister Elyse and Larry, who was visiting from Idaho - he got to meet Vicki's hubby Art a few weeks ago!)
Bro & sis, i love these two!
Recently took in the art at the San Diego Convention Center:
Called "Coming Together," by the late, great Niki de St. Phalle
(We like to work out over there, too! Peter is clothed, i swear.)
Bowling for the Animals update: Across from the SD Convention Center is Petco Park, home of the San Diego Padres. Rubin's "Bowling for the Animals" tix to the Padres game were finally used during a day game at Petco. Rubin invited my uncle Herb, my dad and i to go. YAY! Amazing seats. Never sat so close to the action! i had to leave early to get to work but it was a great game and the Padres won 11-0!
Did i have fun?
Would these feet lie to you?
Um yes, this chick used to be a card carryin' major league groupie. Never mind, that was a long time ago. i swear. Heh. This shirt says "83 - lives saved per year by going vegetarian." i figured it would be a good idea to spread the message of compassion to the Padres faithful.
Your thoughts, please, on this, a vegan butcher:
Woah. i do believe i've heard it all now.
And, at last, an honest food pyramid/guide for all of us!
One more cool site: Eat kind! :o)
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Beaches, a book, a bistro & bats
After that, i decided to go on the other side of the bay (the Pacific Ocean!) for a run on the beach called South Mission Beach, something i had not done for some time.
Here's where i started...
Lotsa these around on my run:
Plenty of this, too:
Seaweed! Dinner, anyone?
... the end. (i ran about 3 miles out and then came back.)
Leaving that beach (boo! believe me, i did not want to leave!), one passes the grand, historic and fun roller coaster called The Giant Dipper.
Not far away from the coaster on the beach (how Californian, 'eh?), the next city up the coast heading north is Pacific Beach (Vicki's old digs!), where The Vegan Zone is. Peter & i ate dinner there last Wednesday night - more on that further down.
After dinner we walked to the beach and there was this tile mural there, which i somehow had missed before:
Cool octopus! Original, touchy-feely public artwork (especially when it's the likeness of an animal) like this makes me smile.
A brilliant, witty writer and super cool gal - my friend! - Sara Bongiorni, wrote a book that came out this month: "A Year Without 'MADE IN CHINA' " It's receiving rave reviews! i'm so proud of her!

Sara's childhood home is down the street from my sister. We used to live just a few blocks from one another when we wrote at a smaller newspaper together in the San Diego area about 15 years ago. She now lives with her husband and three kids (and dog!) in Louisiana.
She was actually on "The Today Show" today... NBC flew her out to NY. So amazing!! i had Peter tape the show on VHS (how old school am i?) at his parents' house since neither of us have TVs. i haven't seen the show yet...
Sara is on a book tour and made a special appearance Saturday afternoon at the Barnes & Noble less than a mile from where her mom still resides! i had lost touch w/her and was thrilled to reconnect.
i also got to meet her mom and hear Sara read a chapter from her book. It was a trip, for realz. The book is very, very good. Funny, thought-provoking, insightful, clever. i read it in four days. My mother read it in three days! My mom brought along three ladies from her book club, all of whom bought the book and had Sara autograph it.
Sara and her mom, how cute are they?:
My mom took this photo of me & the author extraordinaire:
"Rice baked with mushroom" ($8) for Peter:

Monday, July 23, 2007
You can't spell evolve without love

My friend Marina, Chicago-born (like me!) but Californian at heart (same, natch), came for a visit last week, dragging her bro and & Germany-born mom, who i'm pretty sure fell in love with SoCal.
i had small parts of only two days to show 'em around San Diego County and we hit Point Loma, Coronado, Ocean Beach & more. Their fave place was La Jolla - and it's hard to blame them:
Mat was feeling in the pink (HOORAY!) and joined in on our adventures:
Is Mat smiling (above) or is it my imagination?!

Thanks to Vicki's husband, Art, for the head's up on Vegan Zone in Pacific Beach. I took Marina & co. there but they weren't feelin' the love so i was the only one to order from this fab little eatery. i got a pepper steak wrap that was divine.
i left my camera in the car so i didn't get to take a photo but i'm sure my pal Peter and i will hit this spot again and i'll def take pix. For now, here's Art's take on this place:
Sunday was Peter's mom's 86th birthday. EIGHTY-SIX! This angel of a woman wanted to go to my fave veg restaurant SIPZ so we did! Great stuff as usual there. i ordered something new to their menu, BBQ "chicken"... which was outrageous... but of course i left my camera behind (again).
i grabbed the photo below of her and Peter's dad (who turns 88 next month) on their couch at home after we got back from our delicious outing. They have four other children and two of them sent flowers from out of state. Lovely.
Can you believe that last month they celebrated 62 years of wedded bliss?! SIXTY-TWO years. Wow.
If you have a minute, this is a sweet animal-lovers Web site:
As if you didn't already know:

Monday, July 16, 2007
Big hearts, some art & SMARTIES!
Your thoughts helped me, which in turn helped Mat, i'm sure!
She's doing a lot better, but still her veterinarians don't know what has been the reason for her issues, which involved some gastrointestinal woes (including ongoing infections that she's had since i adopted her four years ago) and subsequent pooping problems that were frightening.
My poor punkinhead was on six pills a day for a time, and it was a struggle having her take the bitter meds. There was no fooling her by hiding them in food. It was much like this cartoon:

Not only is my little 12-year-old girl deaf, she is, ummmm... stubborn. She's down to one pill a day - and so we press on and it is my great hope that she has many healthy years ahead.
Awesome blogger pals:
Vicki of Vegan Vice http://veganvice.blogspot.com/ sent me this adorable doggie card and a goodie bag for Mattie (and me) filled with doggie biscuits, huge SMARTIES, lavender packets to use as a sachet and for baking cookies, lavender jelly and lavender lip balm. Plus Buddha Mints! Yes! Blew me away... typical thoughtful Vicki.
i got to bring Mattie over to Sheree' 's http://boosveg-a-nut.blogspot.com/ house last week and we had a great time! There are photos of some of our brief adventure over at her blog... it was Mat's first time hangin' out with a dog other than her best pal, Heidi, in a loooong time, and she dug Sheree' 's Shiloh big time. Must be a blonde thing!!
And again thank you to everyone who commented here (so many!!) and on Facebook (Laura!), MySpace (Bazu!), through e-mails (Melody! Candi! Emmy!), snail mail (Vicki!), text messaging (Leslie!) and everywhere (Carrie!) to lend support. What big hearts you all have...
A few weeks back, i grudgingly went to the San Diego Fair in Del Mar, which i have problems with because of their hypocrite behaviour and the way animals are housed, shown, then weighed and sold. Heartbreaking.
But... i did get to watch a couple of horses away from the main "housing" area and on a "kids' farm" play place, have a good time with one another. It was very sweet.
i had gone to see "Weird Al" Yankovic early on in the fair's 2007 tenure, but i returned about a week later, with my mom and dad (aren't they cute? just celebrated their 52nd anniversary!) to look at some of the art, and here's a small sample of what i saw.
Woodworking, file under amazing:
This painting is supposed to be scary but i couldn't help but laugh:
An artist's rendering of the "Urban Alphabet":
Turning the (picnic) tables, this was cool:
i love this painting, it was so "relate-able":
This story, called "Where's the Beef?" was cool to see, from the newspaper i wrote for in college:
Wanted to share a few comics i've been lookin' at from the "Cartoon Bank" that made me smile:

i met this sweet young lady during Peter's and my trip up the coast, in Arroyo Grande. i forgot her name but she was happy to have me photograph that bag. And even tho i can't say "hate" is a good word to use when describing meat eaters, it had a point to make: